GREECE  {and others} on Mediumwave band 23.00 to 01.00 UT on Febr 19

576.000 BUL Radio Horizont ID noted at 00.59-0100 UT, Bulgarian hymn

        played nx at 01.01 UT, S=9+40dB of Vidin bcast site outlet.

729.012 GRC ERA Net Athens Bogianti site, S=9+35dB at 23.10 UT.

800.997 GRC Folk mx ? Studio 54 ?, at Athens, S=9+45dB. 23.40 UT,

        nice 26 kHz wideband audio block.

819.000 EGY ERTU Al-Banameg, Arabic talk, S=9+10dB, 23.49 UT.

855.018 ROU  Bucuresti site 12 kHz wide audio block, S=9+20dB 01.07 UT.

881.999 GRC R Ita-Vita, Greek folk mx, S=9+40dB power, 17.41 UT

936.005 IRN  R Miandoab, Persian/Kurdish? poor S=6-7, 15.37 UT.

944.998 GRC  Likely R Galatsi, Athens, French song and

        pop 'thank you baby', S=8-9, 01.11 UT and 15.45 UT.

962.999 CYP CYBC Nicosia, Greek, S=9 at 23.52 UT.

972.001 GRC R Takis A5 Athens, Greek folk mx, S=9+15dB, 23.54 UT,

        nice 10 kHz wideband mx audio.

999.000 MLT? Bizbizja Malta, 01.12 UT JBA signal, also 15.48 UT.

999even MDA  Russian - likely R Rossii? - via Pridnestrovie relay site

        Grigoriopol Maiac, S=9+10dB in Athens at 16.46 UT. But signal is

        less strong because of main power lost this year, compared to

        previouse decade.

1043.999 GRC Unidentified Greek folk mx stn, S=9+35dB, 23.37 UT.

        nice 12 kHz wideband audio.

1053.003 ROU  R Cluj Uricani, Romanian pop mx, S=9+25dB at 15.50 UT.

1079.997 GRC Unidentified Greek folk mx stn, S=9+15dB, 00.00 UT Feb 20.

1080even HNG Hungarian(!), Harmonic of Solt MW stn 540 kHz at 15.54 UT.

1098.000 GRC Greek folk mx, started with studio talk at 16.57 UT,

        S=9+30dB, up to 26 kHz wideband audio block.

1116.000 ROU RRI Romanian nxcast, S=9+20dB, 00.02 UT, echo 1125 kHz.

1134.000 ?   UNID S=8-9 at 00.12 UT.

1152.009 ROU RRI Aktualitat Cluj, Jucu site, S=9+20dB at 16.00 UT.

1161.000 EGY HQ prayer of Egyptian R from Tanta, S=9+10db at 16.07 UT.

1178.991 ROU RRI Galbeni, on lower fq flank, aktual sports nx,

        'Real Madrid ...', mx, 00.02 UT and 16.11 UT, S=9+25dB.

1188.007 GRC GRC R Nikolaos Elata Athens, Greek folk mx, S=9+5dB, 00.04 UT

1188even HNG Magyar (Hungarian) Radio Marcali, underneath Greek pirate,

        S=9+15dB at 16.18 and 17.43 UT, Febr 20.

        Hungarian Radio had a foreign Romanian language broadcast relay

        taken from Radio Timisoara in western Romania, S=9+20dB 16.18 UT.

1196.989 ROU  Brasov FM radio via MW Bod site, S=7 at 16.19 UT.

1241.996 ?   UNID, strong empty carrier at 00.17 UT, S=9+20dB.

1251even HNG Danko Radio from Nyireghaza, S=9+10dB at 16.21 UT.

1287even GRC UNIDentified Greek pirate, ID Athena, S=9+10dB 00.20 UT.

1314 kHz different strings visible of ROU radio origin:

1314.000, and 1314.003 kHz S=9+10dB, at 16.27 UT.

1322.993 ROU  R8 radio Targu Mures regional, S=8-9, at 16.28 UT.

1331.996 ROU RRI Romanian ID at nxcast, Romanian Aktualitat Galati site,

        S=9+10dB, 00.22 and 16.30 UT.

1340.991 EGY Arabic mx via Abu Zabaal site, S=9 at 16.32 UT.

1358.988 GRC Unidentified Greek folk mx stn, S=9 bad QRM mixture. 00.26 UT

1359.013 ETH Likely Ethiopian Mekele broadcast site, SBA poor at 16.34 UT.

1367.988 IRN likely Golestan Gonbad Gavus, JBA at 16.38 UT.

1403.997 GRC Greek folk mx, S=7-8, 00.28 UT.

        Likely GRC Komotini, eastern Greece Turkish border ?

1403.999 ROU ID Radio from Cluj Marmatei, S=9+5dB at 16.41 UT.

1413even MDA Vesti FM in Russian via Pridnestrovie relay site Grigoriopol

        Maiac, S=9+20dB in Athens at 16.44 UT. But signal is less strong

        because of main power lost this year,compared to previouse decade

1421.994 ROU RRI Aktualitat from Olanesti site mx px, S=8 fluttery, 00.31

        UT; and Mon Feb 20 S=9+5dB tennis sports news at 16.48 UT, but

        QRM of Arabic.

1467.978 IRN R Qom JBA, at 16.52 UT, Persian singer program.

1493.996 GRC Studio Annabelle Athena, Greek folk mx, S=9+15dB, 00.35 UT.

        14 kHz wideband nice music audio block.

1494even MDA R Moldova Aktualitat, Cahul/Edinet sites, S=8 at 16.54 UT

and less strong heavy odd fq also

1493.796 kHz UNID program.

1503even EGY NMA program El Arish, Quran, S=8 at 16.57 UT.

1511.993 GRC Greek folk mx, S=8 at 16.59 UT and co-channel

1512.001 ARS Jeddah or IRN Ardabil ?  16.59 UT.

1521even ARS R Saudi from Duba, S=9+20dB at 17.08 UT.

1592.985 ROU RRI Aktualitat mx px, S=8 fluttery, 00.35 UT. \\ 1422v

1602.999 GRC Unidentified Greek folk mx stn, S=9+5dB 00.40 UT.

1628.998 GRC Folk mx at 17.34 UT S=8-9 signal.

1635.055 GRC Folk mx at 17.15 UT S=9+15 proper signal.

1644.995 GRC Folk mx at 17.32 UT S=8 signal.

1649.997 GRC Folk mx at 17.31 UT S=9+10dB signal.

1660even GRC Folk mx at 17.14 UT S=8 signal.

1669.995 GRC Pirate at 17.16 UT S=9+30dB powerful sig. Over-modulated !

        English pop mx, 15 kHz wideband audio block.

1673.999 GRC tiny folk mx stn, 00.50 UT.

1680.001 GRC Folk mx at 17.29 UT S=9+10dB signal.

1689.977 GRC Folk mx at 17.20 UT S=9+15dB signal, but fq unstable up to

1690even hopping up-wards. And under-modulated poor JBA also on

1690.010 like to jam (?) by other Greek pirate stn. 17.20 UT.

1699.969 GRC Folk mx at 17.21 UT S=7-8 signal.

1699.991 GRC Greek talk program pirate stn, S=9+15dB 00.42 UT,

varies upwards to

1700.008 kHz channel within half hour.

1709.992 GRC Flute folk mx at 17.21 UT S=7 signal.

1715.001 GRC Flute folk mx at 17.23 UT poor JBA signal.

1740.005 GRC Poor pirate radio stn at 17.241 UT S=7 signal.

And also a mixture of Athens high-power signals noted locally on Athens SDR on

longwave frequency 242.996 kHz,

which is a Kilohertz FQ difference of

972.001 GRC Radio Takis A5 Athens,


729.012 GRC ERA Net Athens Bogianti location.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]

(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews Febr 19 - 20)

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