** ANTARCTICA. Tnx to Horacio Nigro, CX3BZ, the WOR iog had advance

``"We launch from Esperanza the RANTAR Radio Argentinean Antarctic
bulletin produced by LRA36 and LU1ZV. 14336 KHZ USB 1 KW in Spanish
22UTC today. We repeat at 23 UTC in English same frequency" (Via José
Kucher, Argentina, DXnosaurios Whatsapp group, Feb 24, 2023). More on
this, as news are coming in: This 20m operation will be made with the
new 1 KW Collins transmitter that arrived in the Base, today. It seems
this bulletin will be a regular and continued activity (ibidem, vía
Horacio Nigro Geolkiewsky, Uruguay)`` And:

``Next LRA36 Radio Nacional Arcángel San Gabriel broadcast from Base
Antártica Esperanza announced to take place on Saturday, February 25th
from 20:00 to 24:00 UTC, 15476 KHZ (USB) (Adrián Korol, RAE,
Argentina)`` (via Nigro)

14336 USB, Feb 24 at 2145 I`m camping on some others already tuned
here via Argentine SDR. Promptly at *2200 starts CW ID as LU1ZV, and
YL voice calling CQ, Radio -- Antártida Argentina in Spanish, dial
tuning noises but not music; S9. Then M reads a prepared script in
Spanish making some of these points: radio comms started in 1927y in
Orcadas del Sur. ``La radio vive en la Antártida``; first broadcast
``en Antártida Argentino`` as masculine. 2204 explains that original
10 kW LRA36 transmitter has been out of service for years. New
transmitter is a Collins solid state with 300 watt amp to be in use by
2024. 2206 ID and signal drops briefly into S5 noise level. 2207 says
old transmitter was running less than 70 watts. Hamwise, has made FT8
contacts on 6m, and also on 160m. 2210 YL with contact info, whatsapp
number and gmail only. Cites 3 or 4 LU8 hams; and Adrián Korol of RAE
as LU1CQM. CW ID again and 2211 pause. 2212 starts 2-way contacts with
Argentina, Brasil on same frequency. 2217 says will repeat show in
English in one hour. 2218 says this hamshow will be airing again at 20
local = 23z on Sat & Sun. Quick check direct here: nothing heard. SDR
thinx I am in Kingwood TX! After 2225 more 2-way contacts I don`t

14336 USB, Feb 24 promptly at 2300 again, CW sending ANTARTIDA ---
LU1ZV AR making S9+5 via same remote; in English: CQ, CQ, CQ,
Argentine Antarctic Radio Bulletin; and story about ``madmen of the
rooftops``, the first radio listeners initially the same as hams.
About South Orkney comms in 1927y. This is first broadcast of
Argentine Antarctic Radio Bulletin. About the 2023y
Culture-is-Sovereignty Plan. LRA36 broadcasting content from Radio
Nacional. Recent 15476 broadcasts have been heard in Iceland,
Indonesia, Ukraine, Europe, North America. Had 10 kW CCA transmitter
for years, open wire and rhombic antennas. Current transmitter will
be  retained as backup for the new one next year. But with only 70
watts has reached beyond 10 megameters. 2310 address for this is
cqlu...@gmail.com - QAP. 2311 credits for the LU8 and LU1 hams; CW ID.
2312 immediately back to Spanish for 2-way contacts on same frequency
I do not attend. All this has kept me from monitoring the usual 2300
English from TURKEY, q.v. and SPAIN (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CANADA. 530, CHLO: see CUBA [non]

** CHINA. Re my report of Western classical music on CGTN via CUBA
5910: ``I was able to hear the same broadcast, starting around the
same time. The announcement in Cantonese was some narrative describing
the artistry of Ludwig van Beethoven, whose music was being played.
73, Ricky Leong, Calgary, Alberta, Canada`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA [non]. 530, Feb 24 at 0739 UT, nothing but S Asian language,
so normally dominant R. Enciclopedia must be OFF: no music, and no
Spanish either from two listed Rebeldes. Rather, ``multicultural``
CHLO Brampton/Toronto ON, U1 1000/250 watts. Own schedule is mostly
blank including now, all overnight!
but few blox filled in include: Hindi, Punjabi, Lehran, Despardes,
Pretlari, Urdu, Italian, Spanish, Filipino. What are these, obscure
languages or program names?
Lehran: a heron in Japanese mythology; or a Pakistani magazine
Despardes: restaurant in Springfield VA; or Punjabi newspaper
Preetlari: name of a Punjabi writer; and then a journal
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 870, Wobbler: see USA [and non] WWL

** CUBA. 11760, Feb 24 at 0727, S9+20 of dead air in English or
Spanish from RHC, atop an understation until its 0730* with ``France,
Paris``, i.e. RFI in Hausa as OC continues. This is getting to be
regular. Something`s always wrong at RHC. Now no other frequencies
heard on 5, 6, 10, 11 MHz bands (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** KIRITIMATI. 846 kHz, Feb 24 at 0746, JBA carrier from R. Kiribati
and no other 9/kHz splits. Gary Pence, KM5X, had told me tonight: ``Hi
Glenn, 846 kHz Kiritimati barely detectable in Oahu, NH6XO at 0358z.
Sunset in Oahu 0434z, sunset in Kiritimati 0444z. Gary`` (Glenn
Hauser, OK, WOR)

** PERU. 4810, Feb 23 at 0434, JBA carrier from presumed R. Logos,
Chazuta, vs STANAG noise on plus side. My habitual bandscans after
0700 do not hit it; maybe runs until 0500 UT = local midnight? EiBi
says 10-12 & 21-03; also irr. at 07-10, all in vernacular rather than
Spanish. But Aoki says 09-24 daily in Spanish. WRTH 2022 gives no
times but website without the www which is required, leads to: 

Nothing there more recent than June 2020. Feb 23 date is correct,
overlooked in my previous report (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** TURKEY. 5960, Feb 24 at 2308, VOT is very much on today, S9+40/35
into UTwente as I am mainly listening to ANTARCTICA, q.v. Once that`s
over: 2313 tnx S&R teams for EQ; 2319 `Weekly Analysis` says 11,302
S&R team workers from abroad have been in Turkey. Written by some
professor whose name I still can`t copy, and how EQ is affected by or
may affect diplomacy. By 2324 the CCCCCCI is underaudible, as plugs
VOT ``always by your side``. 2331 `Feeling Supreme/The Healing Spring`
about the supplement Glutathione I had never heard of, but Google
knows how to spell it, q.v. And all the fruits and veggies which
provide it. 2340 music. 2344 `Did You Know That`, best garlic in the
world grows in Turkey. 2349 ``always by your side`` again. 2350 ack.
S&R teams, again. 2351 multi-lingual ID filler reel. 2354 s/off with
partial sked for 1330, 0400 and maybe one other English broadcast.
2355 IS. 2356 restart IS now with GERMAN IDs alternating. 0000 Feb 25,
still on, opening bonus German past 0010 but off by 0012 next check,
uncovering XJPBS only, East Turkistan, land of imperialist ChiCom
genocide against Uyghurs and other Moslems (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2179 monitoring: confirmed first
SWBC, UT Friday February 24 at 0330 on WRMI 7780, S9 into Louisiana
SDR; with usual noise burst QRM for first 14 seconds; also hit next
program at 0400:00.

Also confirmed Friday February 24 at 1530-1559 on WRMI 9955, weak
S9/S5 direct but no jamming. 

Also confirmed Friday February 24 at 2130 on IRRS SW viia AM Italia,
1323 kHz only, S9+10/20 into Noale SDR, JBA CCI from UK? and some ACI
unless Narrow. Next:

0130 UT Saturday WRMI 5850 to NW
0500 UT Saturday WBCQ Radio Angela 5130v to WSW 
1800 UT Saturday IRRS 7295 & 14590-Bulgaria [unsked but Feb 11
1800 UT Saturday IRRS 1323 & 918? & 207?-Italy [ditto]
2030vUT Saturday WA0RCR 1860-AM
2230 UT Saturday WRMI 5850 to NW
2230 UT Saturday WRMI 15770 to NE
0030 UT Sunday WRMI 7780 to SW
0400vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0415; as late as 0557]
0800 UT Sunday Unique R, Australia 5035 USB [low power]
0830 UT Sunday Unique R, Australia 5035 USB [previous episode]
2100 UT Sunday IRRS 1323 & 918? & 207?-Italy
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to SW
0400vUT Monday WBCQ Area 51 6160v to WSW
0130 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0030 UT Wednesday WRMI 9395 to NNW
1000 UT Wednesday Unique R, Australia 5035 USB [low power]
2200 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S

Full schedule including AM, FM, webcasts, satellite, podcasts:

Like our website, a noncommercial service for which financial support
is appreciated, this week from Greg Putz, KI7UED, Bountiful UT,
``Thank you for your work!`` with a generous check to Glenn Hauser, PO
Box 1684, Enid OK 73702 USA

One may also contribute by MO or cheque on a US bank to above address;
or via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds, to 
woradio at yahoo.com (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 5935, Feb 24 at 0735, this WWCR is OFF: No loss, no DGS or
PMS. Leaves only 4840 on air as weekday overnights 5890 & 3215 are
deliberately silent. No gain either: nothing to uncover on 5930-5939.
Per EiBi, peanut-power WMR Denmark is 24h on 5930; Tibet should be on
5935 but it`s midday there (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. 870, Feb 24 at 0700 UT, WWL New Orleans with CBS
News for 3 minutes; 0703 commercials; 0704 one more minute of news
until modulation cut to dead air at 0705. This facilitates audibility
of The Cuban Wobbler which seems always QRMing WWL now. Did anyone
ever confirm which of the three listed Relojes it be? WRTH 2022 shows
10 kW each in Bueycito GR and Baracoa Van-Van GU; and 1 kW in Sancti
Spíritus-Reloj [sic] SS. DFing it should be easy from the angle of
Florida. But there was no trace of any Reloj. O, WWL? I let it run
until finally faded up modulation in some poor talk show at 0724!
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** VANUATU [and non]. 7260, Feb 24 at 0717, VBTC with music better
than usual S8/S9 but still insufficient; achieved better when on 11835
third harmonic currently inactive. No VON 7255- (Glenn Hauser, OK,

UNIDENTIFIED. 9510, Feb 24 at 0723, that hummy open carrier again,
S6/S7 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 0128 UT February 25
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