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Today's Topics:

   1. LRA 36 will be on air today Saturday July 1 (Manuel M?ndez)
   2. Glenn Hauser logs July 1, 2023 (Glenn Hauser)
   3. Re: Glenn Hauser logs June 30-July 1, 2023 (Wolfgang Bueschel)
   4. The British are coming / Jen's 4th of July Bash July 2 UT Sun
      1800-2200+ (Glenn Hauser)


Message: 1
Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2023 06:23:05 +0000
From: Manuel M?ndez <>
To: "DX WOR groups" <>
Subject: [HCDX] LRA 36 will be on air today Saturday July 1
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed

Manuel M?ndez
Lugo, Spain

ANTARCTICA, 15476usb, LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arc?ngel San Gabriel, Base 
Esperanza. After there was no program last Wednesday and Saturday, I 
have asked them via wathspp if they will be on the air today, Saturday 
July 1st, and they have confirmed that they will be on the air.  Time is 
usually  at 1800 or a little earlier.


Message: 2
Date: Sat, 1 Jul 2023 20:17:30 +0000 (UTC)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Cc: Short-Wave Radio Listening <>
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs July 1, 2023
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

** ANTARCTICA. 15475.98 RC USB, Sat July 1 at 1803, zero signal direct
from LRA36, but at 1807, S5/S7 into best Argentine SDR, music; 1827
after pause, CW ID starting with LRA36, then voice ID, and
multi-lingual RAE ID reel. Manuel M?ndez, Spain had got confirmation
from station it would be on air today, unlike previous Wed and Sat.
But I`m distracted by John Adams` ``Nixon in China``, this week`s
opera on KUCO. At 1911, LRA36 peaking S9+10 with tango, ?Gardel? By
2000 peaking only S6 (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** CUBA. 11760, July 1 at 1513, S9/+10 of dead air and still at 1524
from RHC. What about the only other scheduled midday frequency, 15140?
At 1517 it`s S6/S7 with Spanish undermodulation cutting on and off, a
great improvement! Wiggle that patchcord. Somethings` always wrong at
RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** IRELAND. 8957 USB, July 1 at 0557, JBA VOLMET in YL voice, synth?
It`s Shannon, 24 hours here (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NEW ZEALAND. 8828 USB, July 1 at 0554, weak VOLMET. Auckland is
scheduled starting at :50 and :20 past every hour, per EiBi. 8828 is
timeshared with Tokyo at :10 and :40, Hongkong at :15 and :45. If each
be 5 minutes max, that leaves open :00 & :30, :05 & :35, :25 & :55
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** NEW ZEALAND [and non]. 9700, Saturday July 1 at 0600, NZ news, VG
S9/+10, new for July? But still on 11725 //, S9+10/20. No, current
websked shows 11725 only. Presumably test as normally they never run
both transmitters at same time in AM. 9700 is sked elsewhen in AM,
1651-1958 except Sats. By 0602, there is SAH from another carrier on
9700. That would be RRI in German. There could be a 3-way collision if
RHC happened to be here, but not tonight (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 90.1, KUCO FM, our classical station, keeps
jumbling its programming around; will it ever settle down?
I was getting into `Performance Today` which they picked up a couple
months ago, but now it`s gone again, replaced by local origination
without explanation. Of course we can still hear PT via
or on some other webcasting station. Huge listing here but each must
be confirmed:

Long-running `The Score` from Portland, filmusic, has just been
replaced on KUCO by `Reel Music` another cinematic co-produced by KBAQ
Ph?nix and WDAV Davidson NC, Fri 19-20 & Sat 16-17 UT. KUCO says due
to unexpected price hike by The Score. We can still get that from HQ
station KQAC both Sat & Sun at 21-22 UT. Brit EdmUnd Stone has a more
erudite style. Reel guy Matt Rogers inserts drive-in movie promos,
like go get food and drink, but the music is still VG. This `Reel
Music` is as yet unknown? to An ``eclectic`` show
of same name is listed for WETS in TN, but unfound on its own
schedule. PRF shows it on only one different station, KMUC in MO,
Fridays at 19-20 UT. It is still sked there on KMUC, HD2 subsidiary of
KBIA Columbia.
Same time as KQAC on Sat at 21-22 is yet another cinemusic show, `Film
At Five` on WCLV. It used to be repeated 7 hours later = 05 UT in
winter but no more (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** UQKOGBANI. 11253 USB, July 1 at 0615, VOLMET by YL voice, synth?
EiBi shows this is RAF from site ic which means ``one of: Inskip
(Lancashire) 53N50-02W50 / St. Eval (Cornwall) 50N29-05W00 / Crimond
(Aberdeenshire) 57N37-01W53`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A [and non]. WORLD OF RADIO 2197 monitoring: confirmed UT
Saturday July 1 at 0130 on WRMI 5850, S9+20/30 direct but with some
storm crashes.

Also confirmed Saturday July 1 at 1600 on WRN N America webcast. 

Also confirmed Saturday July 1 at 2007 about 7 minutes into so started
about 2000 the nominal 1930 on WA0RCR, 1860 AM, MO, S9+15 into nearby
remote but with heavy storm crashes right over the St Louis area and
many more circumOzarx. Next:

2230 UT Saturday WRMI 5850 to NW
2230 UT Saturday WRMI 15770 to NE [& 7730? Has been off air again]
0030 UT Sunday WRMI 7780 to SW
0130 UT Sunday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0245vUT Sunday WA0RCR 1860-AM [nominal 0315; as late as 0457]
1330 UT Sunday WRMI 9955 to SSE
[also phonecast, webcast][jammed by Cuba?]
2000 UT Sunday IRRS 1323 & 918? & 207?-Italy
0030 UT Monday WRMI 7780 to SW
0300vUT Monday WBCQ Area 51 6160v to WSW
0030 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW
2330 UT Tuesday WRMI 9395 to NNW
2100 UT Wednesday WBCQ 7490v to WSW
0030 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 5010 to S
0130 UT Thursday WRMI 9395 to NNW

Thanks this week to Ron Howard, Monterey, California for a check to
Glenn Hauser, PO Box 1684, Enid OK 73702, ``In memory of Noel Green. I
remember all the times he helped me with Radio Pakistan info [he was
an official monitor in the UK]. Thanks for all your help over the

One may also contribute via PayPal, not necessarily in US funds to:
woradio at (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

** U S A. 17790, July 1 at 1520, S7/S9 dead air or maybe trace of mod,
from WRMI- , S American service of ``Radio Africa`` as forced by
circumstance of continued loss of eastward antenna, ``Pan American
Broadcasting`` is axually PanAm instead of PanAf. Something`s odd at
Okeechobee (Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

This report dispatched at 2017 UT July 1


Message: 3
Date: Sun, 2 Jul 2023 00:14:09 +0200
From: "Wolfgang Bueschel" <>
To: "_ WOR" <>, "HCDX" <>,
        "_ BCLNEWS" <>
Subject: Re: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs June 30-July 1, 2023
Message-ID: <66B0D5F2128A420BBC5844B6654A63F2@PC3>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="utf-8";

>ANTARCTICA  15476usb, LRA 36, Radio Nacional Arcangel San Gabriel,
>Base Esperanza. After there was no program last Wednesday and Saturday,
>I have asked them via wathspp if they will be on the air today, Saturday 
>July 1st,
>and they have confirmed that they will be on the air.
>Time is usually  at 1800 or a little earlier. (via wor gh)

Antarctica, nothing observed so far on Saturday July 1st,
when checked after 20 UT. (wb  df5sx)

Log at Doha Qatar and in central Europe on Perseus SDR remote net .....

15130even ROU  RRI Bucharest in Arabic from Bacau Galbeni site,
scheduled 15.30-15.57 UT, S=9+20dB at 15.35 UT on July 1st.
\\ 15160even same Arabic sce, but via RRI RadioCom Tiganesti relay site.
instead S=9+30dB at 15.40 UT.
15520even ESP  REE Noblejas in Sp at 15.46 UT, excellente audio quality
?novela memoral?, S=9+35dB signal level.
15550.018 MDG  JRC Tamazui in Juba Ar, at 15-16 UT, S=9+35dB at 15.48
via MGLOB Talata Volonondry Madagascar relay facility,
b u t   instead:
15550even CVA  Radio Dabanga at Vatican Radio relay at Santa Maria di
Galeria, 16.00-16.57 UT, S=9+20dB at (!) 16.47 UT.
15565.002 CVA  Vatican Radio in Amharic, S=9+10dB at 15.50 UT, via
Santa Maria di Galeria exteritorial Vatican State location.
15579.991 BOT  VoA at 1400-1630 UT, S=9+10dB at 15.52 UT.
15595even CVA  Vatican Radio in Arabic, S=9+20dB at 15.54 UT, via
Santa Maria di Galeria exteritorial Vatican State location.
15605.003 MDG  AWR in Malayalam to SoAS, via MGLOB Talata Volo-
nondry Madagascar relay facility, S=9, 1530-1600 UT, at 16.20 UT in
Marathi language instead 1600-1630 UT.
15615.015 GUM  AWR KSDA Agat in Gujarati language, S=9+15dB at
15.58 UT final AWR program annmt. S=9 signal in Qatar ME.
15629.836 kHz much odd fq  UZB  Iran International Persian TV relay via
Tashkent relay site in central Asia, 04.30-16.30, S=9+25dB in Doha Qatar
15124.996 MLI  CRI  Bamako II relay site in West Africa, Arabic 16-17 UT,
S=9+15dB, stn program ID at 16.05 UT on July 1st.
15245.240 much wide away odd frequency of  KRE  VoKorea in French,
at Kujang, S=9+5dB at 16.07 UT.
15265even AUT  AWR Urdu sce to Pakistan target, via ORS Moosbrunn
relay site, S=9+15dB at 16.10 UT noted excellente in Doha Qatar ME.
15310.003 D__  BVBN Canada in HoAfrica Tigre language,
via MBR Nauen site S=9+30dB in Doha Qatar at 16.11 UT.
15360 D R M mode - like digital White Noise Scratch, likely ETH HoA
jamming service, at 16.13 UT S=9+10dB, no fundamental sce of target
service observed underneath. 17 kHz wideband digital scratch cover
15639.993 D__  US  Deewa Radio in Pashto via USAGM Lampertheim
250 kW relay site, S=9+15dB in Doha Qatar ME remoted SDR installation
16.22 UT.
15690.034 D__  USAGM small old 100 kW relay site performs R Farda in
Persian at scheduled 06.30-16.30 UT range, S=8 at 16.23 UT.
15699.638 - LIKELY ? -  DNK  at JBA very poor level of WMR  Randers in
En mx, S=5 at 16.25 UT in Qatar SDR remotedly.
15730.002 BOT  USAGM  VoA Somali HoA sce at 16.26 UT, S=9+25dB.
15359.993 GUM  AWR KSDA Agat Guam, AWR Pashto to AFG/IRN at
central Asia, S=9+10dB at 16.59 UT close-down AWR annmt.

17475.010 TUR  Anti Kurdish Denge Welat sce of Turkish MIT security
forces jamming program, typical Near East S=9+10dB flute folk music
S=9+15dB strength in Doha Qatar ME at 16.32 UT,
negative when compared against Denge Welat website player program
D.W. px could'nt be traced in 16 mb at this time slot, nor on Kiwi rxs at
various Kuwait ham radio installations.
17530even STP  USAGM installation at Sao Tom? Pinheira, Swahili sce
to East Africa S=8 at 16.33 UT, VoA scheduled 16.30-17.00 UT.
17605even F__  JRC Radio Dabanga Darfur target radio sce via TDF
Issoudun relay site, S=9+15dB in Doha Qatar, at 16.35 UT on July 1st.
17715.010 (! ? little odd fq ) ESP  REE Noblejas in Spanish on Saturday
July 1st, S=9+5dB in Qatar ME, 16.37 UT.
17725.005 D__  AWR Amharic sce to HoAfrica area, via MBR Nauen at
S=9+15dB level, 16.30-17.00 UT, at 16.38 UT.
17800even F__  DWL  Bonn Amharic sce as target radio to HoAfrica, via
TDF Issoudun relay site, 16-17 UT, S=9+10dB signal. At 16.39 UT.
17830even ASC  BBC Ascension sce, En sport report, S=8 in Doha Qatar
Middle East Perseus SDR unit at 16.41 UT.

[selected SDR options, span 12.5 kHz RBW 15.3 Hertz]
(wb  df5sx, wwdxc BC-DX TopNews July 1)

-----Urspr?ngliche Nachricht----- 
From: Glenn Hauser via Hard-Core-DX
Sent: Saturday, July 01, 2023 3:08 AM
Subject: [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs June 30-July 1, 2023

SPAIN. 17855, Friday June 30 at 2205, token English from SNR after
news is interview with a cookbook author: so it`s a good day for me to
pay attention to TURKEY instead. First I note this is S9/+10 VG into
Maryland SDR which can also hear 15520, 17715 and 11670
(Glenn Hauser, OK, WOR)

TURKEY. 11785.009, June 30 at 2211, VOT is S9+40/45 into UTwente,
VG signal and modulation today. After news, `Weekly Analysis` by some
professor whose name and institution I can`t possibly copy; about
Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, Baltix, NATO OK for Finland but not Sweden
without more concessions to Turkey over PKK. Nothing new here. 2216
`Feeling Supreme/The Healing Spring` about preventing gastrointestinal
infexions with symptoms such as womiting, diarrhea: start with washing
hands frequently. 2224 `TRT always by your side` promo, song. 2227
another song. 2229* dumps off the air! by *2233 back on amid `Did You
Know That` by the badaccentedess, something about chestnuts. 2235
song. 2238 another song. 2242 `every hour with you everywhere` promo,
song. 2246 another song. 2250 s/off a bit early by the badaccentedess
as always jumbled curtailed sked about 4 other English emissions than
this one. 2251.5 IS starts. 2256 pause and restart IS now with German
IDs interspersed twice a minute. But chopped off air just in time at
2259.5* to avoid an extraneous German hour. And incredibly never heard
even once today the 2-minute multilingual ID filler reel. Something`s
always erroneous at Emirler and/or awry at Ankara.
(Glenn Hauser, OK,WOR)
This report dispatched at 0108 UT July 1
_ Hard-Core-DX mailing list 


Message: 4
Date: Sun, 2 Jul 2023 05:08:07 +0000 (UTC)
From: Glenn Hauser <>
Subject: [HCDX] The British are coming / Jen's 4th of July Bash July 2
        UT Sun 1800-2200+
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

 Subject: Unique R., Australia: GB's The British are coming / Plus Jen's 4th of 
July celebration & Bash July 2nd Sun UT 1800 to 2200plus

Glenn, Have a good & safe 4th - Thanks.

Sun July 2nd 1800 to 2200 UT plus is my July 4th Bash ...
with GB's the British are coming.
Through my portion of the live cast I will be playing the full soundtrack to 
"1776" The Musical. & other goodies.

In the Real Deal, an All American show playing my version of R & R States for 
the 4th.

So start the coming fo[u]rth with a Bang.
GB's Cast begins at 1820 or 1830 UT
then two hours later I take over.

So Join US -

We`re live on our digital stream. Also join us in our chat room.
Our live chat room is open for you in
click on connect, then web chat
Please put in the following:
For nick: name or like me radionutresss
Then next line channel, that's the following:
and you are in the room.

So I hope to see you there.
Jen & GB
33" & 73''


End of Hard-Core-DX Digest, Vol 247, Issue 2

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