Can't speak to these petitioners in particular, but many financial service 
companies have a history in many areas of operations of first getting the 
necessary licenses and then pushing the envelope.  Any lawyer could drive a 
truck through the holes in these subjective definitions of "harmful 
interference."  Among other things, very few SW BCs are now beamed to North 
America.  Would these people consider themselves free to interfere with our 
reception of BCs intended for other parts of the world that listeners in NA 
consider great DX?  Just asking.
From: Hard-Core-DX <> on behalf of Bill 
Smith <>
Sent: Sunday, July 23, 2023 9:40 PM
To: <>
Subject: [HCDX] SMC petition (continued)

Topic: Co-existence (page 19) says co-channel interference could occur at some 
times and places, but is sufficiently limited to enable preventing of harmful 
(harmful is in italics) interference, provided licensees are granted multiple 
2-25 band frequencies . . . and licensees use frequency – agile techniques.  
Footnote 50: defines harmful interference as interference which endangers a 
radio navigation service or of other safety services, or seriously degrades, 
obstructs, or repeatedly interrupts a radio service operating in accordance 
with (the ITU) radio regulations.  So what they are warranting is no harmful 
interference if they get what they need.  Bill Smith, Douglas, MA

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