This Thur April 4th morning log at Greece and Qatar remotedly:

KUWAIT  the only SW transmission noted on
7249.854 much odd fqy transmission from Kabd bcast center,
S=9+15dB in Qatar, {also noted on amateurish KIWIs in KWT and Doha Qatar}
S=8 in GRC, started at 07.58 UT with Arabish language, but then around 
08.03 UT program 8-10 UT in Persian.
2 x 9.4 kHz wideband Ampegon Thomcast tx typically´. 
Nothing else noted of R Kuwait like 15110, nor 15.5 or 11.63 etc. etc.

Others this morning

11519.998 UZB  Denge Gel from Tashkent, S=9+5 signal in Doha Qatar
11550.012 TUR  TRT Erdogan jammer, squealing, whistling FAULTY 
          TX unit at Emirler at 07.33 UT April 4
11730.009 IRN  IRIB Sirjan Dati 05.50-08.20 S=9+25dB powerhouse in QAT
11769.998 CHN  Xinjiang PBS Urumchi Mandarin 07.37 UT
11885even CHN  Xinjiang PBS Urumchi Uyghur   07.38 UT

11745 ARS  Army radio from Jeddah not on air at 07 – 09 UT.
Noted last night
11745.011 ARS  Al-Azm Radio heard at 02.17 UT, S=9+10dB, phone-in talk
‘Salahm Aleikum ...’ then Holy Quran prayer start pryaing at 02.18 UT.

11935even ARS  Yemen excile radio NOT ON AIR at 07.40 UT, engineer
did start the tx on and off only for 1 – 2 seconds, some tries at 07.41 UT,
11935even start ON AIR at exact 07.41:30 UT – used an wonderful audio
quality tx at Riyadh, the best quality unit ever, I guess.

11950even CHN  Xizang province PBS Lhasa Baiding Mandarin at 07.43 UT
12130even KWT  USAGM Pashto sce towards AFG noted at 07.46 UT.
13635.007 TUR  TRT Emirler Turkmen? 07.50 UT strong power S=9+15dB clean audio
11635.002 CUB  Surprise, surprise Bejucal signal reached Doha ME and Greece EUR 
07.58 UT, Cuban Spy Spanish number reader, S=8 signal strong propagation path 
today !

Last night April 4th at 01.20 to 02.45 UT report in short

4764.998 CUB S=9+20dB R Progreso Bejucal mx 01.20 UT
11955even OMA  00-02 UT BBC via A’Seela S=9 at 01.25 UT Royal family talk story
11935even ARS Rep Yemen excile radio S=9+15dB 01.28 UT, EMPTY carrier, no audio 
11880even USA  USAGM Greenville-B carried rent KBS SEoul Spanish towards Latin 
target S=9+40dB powerhouse signal. 
11760 CUBA Bauta NOT ON AIR. 01.30 UT April 4.
11750.052 BRA  R Voz Missionaria 01.32 UT
\\ 9665.057 kHz S=9+30dB powerhouse
\\ 5940.102 kHz at 01.38 UT.
6000even CUB  Bad faulty audio modulation low level from Quivican, poor also on 
hx 12000
though strong carrier S=9+30dB level, 01.40 UT.
6049.991 likely(!) EQA  HCJB Pico Pichincha, poor S=6 at 01.41 UT
6080 DRM digital mode audio block, TDF RFI Paris via Issoudun 01-02 UT,
noted S=9+30dB DRM signal in Edmonton AB-CAN, 01.41 UT {Mauno didn’t get 
schedule on these wide DRM mode test series from TDF FMO engineering in France, 
to put on wrth springtime update ... wb.}
6179.937 kHz Bad oddity out of Brasilia, never seen such odd fqy of RNA Brasilia
though powerhouse S=9+40dB . Machine gun like presenter of sports game 
01.44 UT on April 4th.
6195even OMA  BBC Dari to AFG backlobe signal in AB-CAN, ENC A’Seela txion, 
7260.016 TUR  TRT Emirler in Spanish, 01-02 UT, S=9+25dB fluttery signal, 01.45 
7445even OMA  ENC A’Seela txion Dari towards AFG/IRN target, S=9+5dB at at 
01.46 UT.
7489.945 usual odd outlet of WBCQ, S=9+10dB, US  vv Iraq govt, clashes 
incidents of 
troop bombs in the past, patriotic comment,  Pres Bush ? era discussion ? 01.48 
7505even seldom heard these days, WRNO New Orleans, US Hill Billy sound music 
of wild west, powerhouse signal of S=9+45 to +50dB at 01.51 UT. 20 kHz wideband
audio block visible.
7519.995 USA  WWCR #4 txitter, Nashville TN state, sermon, S=9+50dB powerhouse
accompanied BUZZ signal strings of 3x (120, 240, and 360 Hertz distance apart 
audio tones, political talk on NY prison and NY state govt duties ... 01.52 UT.
9395even USA  WRMI Okeechobee 01.30-02.00 UT Thurs S=9+45dB powerhouse
GH’s WOR program presence noted with sympathy.
9465.007 kHz TUR ? already on air at 01.58 UT, TRT Emirler present time pips at 
02.00 UT
into regular Uyghur program, Holy Quran morning prayer heard at 02.02 UT on 
Aprtil 4th.
9510even AUT  AWR Urdu play, drums, string, violine music via ORS Moosbrunn 
at 02.03 UT, S=9+20dB backlobe signal into Alberta-CAN remotedly noted.
Excellent Austrian audio quality as carrier.
9540even UAE  Seldom seen FEBC Manila program via ENC Al Dhabbaya relay site,
02.00-02.30 UT relay at ITU zone 41NW at 02.06 UT.
9580even CUB  CRI Beijing Latin AM relay txion, via Quivican relay site, 
S=9+45 dB powerhouse signal into Edmonton-CAN. 9 x BUZZ TONE STRINGs seen at
60, 120, 180, 240, 300, 360, 420, 480, 540 Hertz apart visible and heard 
.....either side.
9840even UAE  USAGM relay txion VoA Deewa Pashto towards AFG target, backlobe 
signal at S=9+20dB level from ENC Al Dhabbaya center. 02.14 UT.
11745.011 ARS  Al-Azm Radio Jeddah, S=9+10dB at 02.17 UT, HQ prayer start 
11780.007 BRA  RNBA at 02.26 UT, S=9+35dB powerhouse signal, machine gun like
sports live coverage  presenter, TX off at 02.30 UT, and only heard in 49 band 
6179.937 kHz Bad oddity out of Brasilia.
11815.013 BRA R Bras Central, only poor to fair at S=7 level, 02.29 UT.
12050even EXCELLENT radio program presence these days, Catholic radio from
powerhouse WEWN  EWTN, nice mixture of music / songs played and phone-in live?
from Baltimore US and Vancouver-CAN, as well as native Mexican in-caller Martha 
, ...
themas cantantes, Mexican emigrantes of North America called-in.
S=9+45dB at 02.33 UT on April 4th.

73 wolfie df5sx

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- 
From: Wolfgang Bueschel 
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2024 11:39 AM 
Subject: Re: [HCDX] [WOR] Glenn Hauser logs April 2, 2024 

and changes around 09.27 UT April 3:

SAUDI ARABIA  Army radio sce from Jeddah started after time break again at 
09 UT,
11745.012 kHz S=9+20dB noted again in 25 mband, also Yemen excile radio
via Riyadh site still with excellent audio on 11935even at same time.

Bad frequency selection of otherwise lots of empty channels - next door:

TURKEY  11750.009 kHz  TRT Emirler in Arabic at 09-10 UT S=9+20dB
audio is not faulty on this TX unit.
Instead faulty Emirler unit is on
11540.015 kHz Erdogan jamming security service against Kurdish national 
at same time.

INDIA  11809.784 much ODD fqy of Delhi Kingsway bcast center, always much
odd fqy of AIR Akashvani, Nepali sce noted on sidelobe at Doha Qatar,
S=9+10dB strength at 09.27 UT.

73 wolfie df5sx

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- 
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2024 11:04 AM
Subject: Re: [HCDX] [WOR] Glenn Hauser logs April 2, 2024

and some more logs in A24 season:

KUWAIT  15110DRM mode sce at S=9+30dB level in Qatar site,
08.04 UT R Kuwait Kabd already on air.
7250v kHz R Kuwait in Persian, NOT ON AIR at 08.07 UT.

AUSTRIA  15145even AWR Moosbrunn relay in French to AF,
sidelobe S=8 fair signal at 08.09 UT.

UZBEKISTAN  15185 DRM mode digital bcast of BBC London English
via Tashkent UZB relay site S=9+10dB sidelobe, 07.59-09.00 UT
rent at 100 kW of power to 163degr azimuth, towards ITU zone #41.

15240.004 IRN  IRIB Vo Iran via Sirjan site, clean audio, maintenance
of the engineers seem excellent these days at Sirjan site,
after the western economic embargo sanctions and spare parts / tubes
delivery in past decade.
S=9+40dB powerhouse in Doha Qatar, at 08.15 UT on April 3.

TURKEY  17730.013  TRT Emirler 08-08.30 UT Turk sce, S=9+25dB,
clean audio tx unit at 08.20 UT.

17864.993 UAE  ENC relay service already at 08.25 UT on air, scheduled
08.30-10.30 UT acc A24 EIBI database userlist1 for Perseus units,
IBRA Radio in Persian started later at 08.29:30 UT with Persian ID
S=9+15dB in Qatar.

OMAN  21470even BBC London in Dari to AFG/IRN via ENC Oman
relay S=8 at 08.33 UT.

21490.025 odd fqy of CNR1 jamming against TWN SOH sce, S=8 08.34 UT

21530even CHN CNR1 jammer at S=8 level in ME sidelobe, 08.34 UT.

21580even FRANCE  RFI Paris via Issoudun, fair S=8 sidelobe into Doha Qatar
at 08.35 UT.

21800even CHINA highest CNR1 jammer against SOH Mandarin
Falun Gong sect opposition radio sce from taiwan origin. S=8 at 08.36 UT.

7250v kHz R Kuwait Kabd in Persian NOT ON AIR today April 3rd, at 08.49.

UZBEKISTAN  11520even ‘Denge Gel’ Kurdish national SW radio px
via Tashkent site, S=9+10dB in Doha Qatar remotedly at 09.00 UT

TURKEY  11540.015  TRT Erdogan jamming stn px, S=9+15dB 09.03 UT
squealing, whistling FAULTY  TX  unit at Emirler, terrible audio.
Drums and string music, Osmanic culture, also flute mx heard.

73 wolfie df5sx

Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2024 10:03 AM
Subject: Re: [WOR] [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs April 2, 2024

SAUDI ARABIA  11745 kHz SBA Army Radio Jeddah NOT ON AIR at 07.40 April 3,

the only 25 mband ARS stn is EXCELLENT AUDIO STATION,

n o t  squealing, whistling FAULTY  TX unit at Riyadh
one of the 9 x txs at Riyadh, repaired(!) now with wonderful audio quality,

good maintenance work by the engineers

11935even S=9+30dB signal in Doha Qatar remote SDR unit.

IRAN  11730.008 IRIB Sirjan Holy Quran prayer S=9+35dB Dari
Afghan sce 07.21 UT, good maintenance work by the engineers

UZBEKISTAN  11510even Denge Gel KUrdish national SW radio px
S=9+10dB in Qatar 07..23 UT

TURKEY  11540.015  TRT Erdogan jamming stn px, S=9+15dB 07.27 UT
squealing, whistling FAULTY  TX unit at Emirler

13635.006 TRT Emirler Turkish 06-13 UT, S=9+10dB in Doha Qatar
excellent audio. String instrument mx.

13685.009  TRT Emirler in Azeri scheduled acc EIBI Perseus userlist
7-8 UT S=9+15dB, clean audio TX of Emirler.

13669.993 CHINA  PBS Xinjiang Uyghur sce from Urumchi S=8 07.30 UT
13699.997 CNR13 Uyghur sce from Lingshi, S=7 at 07.33 UT.
13770even CNR7 Greater Bay Area Kashgar 500 kW ? powerful signal
Cantonese (!) talk service.

Surprise, surprise
USA  15150even kHz  WMLK Bethel PA S=9+5dB great signal heard in
Middle East at Doha Qatar at 07.37 UT.

73 wolfie df5sx

From: Walter Salmaniw
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2024 5:11 AM
Subject: Re: [WOR] [HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs April 2, 2024

11745.012 is extremely powerful into Masset at 03:09 with echo audible, so I 
suspect SP/LP propagating.  Arabic talk, so presumably Saudi Arabia.  ...73, 

On Wed, Apr 3, 2024 at 1:43 AM Wolfgang Bueschel <> wrote:

SAUDI ARABIA  the ONLY SW stn from ARS noted
11745.011 kHz SBA with Army Radio stn at Jeddah, S=9+15dB
in Edmonton AB-CAN remotedly Perseus unit at 00.06 UT on April 3.
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