            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - the Senate passes the stimulus!

Senate Democrats, with the votes of three centrist Republicans, passed the 
economic stimulus plan today by a vote of 61-37. President Obama, meanwhile, 
appeared in Fort Myers, FL to host another town hall meeting to sell the 
stimulus to the American people.  Tonight, we talk with two of the three Senate 
Republicans who voted in favor of the stimulus, Sens. Arlen Specter (R-PA) and 
Susan Collins (R-ME).

See this for more: 

Next, President Obama has assumed the role of Communicator-in-Chief in his town 
hall meetings and at last night's press conference. We'll ask the Washington 
Post's Eugene Robinson and radio talk show host Michael Smerconish to compare 
President Obama's communication skills to previous presidents.

For more: 

Plus, Treasury Sec. Tim Geithner announced phase two of the bank bailout today. 
We'll discuss his new approach to the bank rescue with Washington Post business 
columnist Stephen Pearlstein.

For more on the bailout:  

In the Politics Fix, we discuss the politics of President Obama's media push to 
sell the stimulus with Salon's Joan Walsh and the Chicago Sun-Times's Lynn 

And in the Hardball Sideshow, we'll look at the legal battle over President 
Obama's iconic image - you won't want to miss this!

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