            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

The Hardball Briefing on MSNBC

First Up - reversing Bush policy!

President Obama signed an executive order today reversing the Bush 
administration's ban on stem cell research. What impact will this have on the 
science of stem cell research? We'll debate the Preisdent's decision with Reps. 
Chris Smith (R-NJ) and Diana DeGette (D-CO).

For the latest: 

Next, do some members of the GOP think that Rush Limbaugh is bad for the party? 
In a new Newsweek article, former Bush speechwriter David Frum said just that. 
We'll discuss the article with the author himself, David Frum.

For the article: http://www.newsweek.com/id/188279

Plus, some prominent Republicans say they want to let the banks and auto 
industry fail! That's what Sens. McCain and Shelby both said yesterday on the 
Sunday morning talk shows. We'll discuss what they said and the future of the 
industry with MSNBC analysts Pat Buchanan and Harold Ford.

For more: 

In the Politics Fix, we'll discuss the politics of President Obama's decision 
to overturn Bush legislation regarding stem cell research with MSNBC's Howard 
Fineman and the Washington Post's Perry Bacon.

And in the Hardball Sideshow, we give out the Hardball Award. Stay tuned to 
find out who will receive this honor tonight.

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