            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - economic expectations. 
As the stock market rose this week, the economy got plenty of positive 
publicity from the President and his team. The question is: can we expect more 
good news to come? That's what we'll explore tonight with Washington Post 
Associate editor and author of "So Damn Much Money," Robert Kaiser and 
Newsweek's Howard Fineman. 
For more on the economy, go to:
Next up, DNC chairman Howard Dean will weigh in on his loose-lipped Republican 
For more on RNC chairman, Michael Steele, go to: 
Also, what's going on with those southern Governors turning down stimulus money 
for their states? We'll try to figure that one out with Republican Todd Harris 
and Democrat Steve McMahon.
For more on the stimulus and states, go to: 
And in the Politics Fix: how bad are things at the border? Do we have a 
narcostate for a neighbor? MSNBC Political Analyst Pat Buchanan and Salon's 
Joan Walsh will give us their takes. 
For more on the border wars, go to: 

Plus, Biden goes bananas for Amtrak! That and more in the Hardball Sideshow. 

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