            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - AIG Outrage!

The anger over AIG's $165 million bonuses continued today with some Senators 
declaring they will do whatever is necessary to recoup the money. We'll discuss 
this issue with Sens. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) and Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-TX).

For more, see: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/18/business/18cuomo.html?hp

Next, is the outrage over AIG's cash depleting President Obama's political 
capital? We'll discuss the potential impact on the new President's agenda with 
MSNBC's Harold Ford and Rep. Peter King (R-NY).

More on AIG: http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/03/17/aig.bonuses/index.html

And, Fmr. President George W. Bush made his first speech since leaving office 
in Canada today. Could Bush's speech and Dick Cheney's recent interview signify 
a renewed attempt to defend the Bush legacy?  We'll debate this with former 
Cheney advisor Ron Christie and Democratic strategist Karen Finney.

More on Bush's speech: 

In the Politics Fix, we'll discuss the impact the AIG bonuses will have on the 
President's ability to pass future legislation with MSNBC's Pat Buchanan and 
the New York Times's Andrew Sorkin.

And, on St. Patrick's day, a special commentary on Northern Ireland from Chris. 
Be sure to tune in.

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