            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - the war next door. 
Yesterday, Secretary of State Clinton bluntly said America bears some 
responsibility for the increasingly violent drug wars taking place across the 
border. The question is - what are we going to do about it? That's what we'll 
ask Rep. Duncan Hunter (D-CA) and the Former Mayor of San Francisco, Willie 
Brown (D). 
For more on the Mexican drug wars, go to: 
And today, President Obama hosted the first-ever online Town Hall meeting where 
he answered questions sent in by every-day Americans. What was he asked and 
how'd it go? The Politico's Roger Simon and USA Today's Susan Page will fill us 
For more on the President's Online Town Hall, go to:
Next up - as the race to replace Kirsten Gillibrand (D), the former 
Representative of New York's 20th congressional district who's now serving in 
Hilary Clinton's old Senate seat heats up, we've got to ask: is this an early 
indicator of what the 2010 midterm elections will look like? Maybe that's why 
it's garnering so much national attention. Democrat Steve McMahon and 
Republican Todd Harris will weigh in.
For more on New York's Special Election, go to: 
And in the Politics Fix: we'll talk to the Washington Post's Lois Romano and 
Mother Jone's Magazine's David Corn about Sarah Palin's recent speech at a GOP 
dinner. Turns out she had some bones to pick with everyone from Senator John 
McCain (R-AZ) to actress Ashley Judd. 
For more on Sarah Palin's speech, go to: 
Plus, we've got a Hardball Award to hand out tonight. Tune in and find out who 
the winner is in the Hardball Sideshow! 

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