            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, Barack in Britain!

How's our President holding up across the pond? Is he still a hit over in 
Europe or have hard times taken a toll? Plus, how's the foreign press 
portraying it all? That's what we'll ask NBC News Chief Foreign Correspondent 
Richard Engel and the Daily Telegraph's Toby Harnden.

For more on President Obama abroad, go to: 

The special election in NY-20 is too close to call! First the Minnesota senate 
race and now this. What's going on with all these "too close to call" 
elections? What do they mean and why are they so important?  Charlie Cook of 
the Cook Political Report and the Atlantic Media's Ron Brownstein will weigh in.

For more on the special election, go to:

Plus, there's a whole lot of glamour surrounding the President and First Lady 
as they make the rounds in Europe. What does the all attention garnered by the 
first couple mean? We'll ask the Washington Post's Lois Romano and MSNBC 
Political Analyst Michelle Bernard to share their insights. 

For more on the glamorous first couple, go to:

And in the Politics Fix, MSNBC Analysts Pat Buchanan and Harold Ford will join 
us to discuss the GOP's strategy and the latest twist in fmr. Sen. Ted Steven 
(R-AK)'s legal battles. 

And if you think you're getting any more Presidential sports predictions, think 
again! We'll explain in the Hardball Sideshow. 

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