            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up, President Obama in Cairo!

Today, President Obama took his message to the Middle East in a major speech in 
Cairo, Egypt. Has change come to American foreign policy in the Middle East?  
What does President Obama's speech mean for American politics? Was it 
effective? We'll ask MSNBC Political Analysts Pat Buchanan and Bob Shrum about 
the political implications of today's speech.

For the transcript of the speech, go to: 

Next, President Obama's speech covered a vast array of issues. How will the 
Muslim World react to the new public diplomatic effort? We'll ask Daily Beast 
Contributor Reza Aslan and American University Professor and former Ambassador 
Akbar Ahmed to discuss the President's big speech.

For more on the speech, go to: 

Next up, the LGBT community campaigned overwhelmingly for President Obama 
during the 2008 campaign with the hope of repealing the Defense of Marriage Act 
and the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy in the military. Tonight we'll ask the 
President of the Human Rights Campaign Joe Solmonese and CEO of the Los Angeles 
Gay and Lesbian Center Lorri Jean to rate the President's term so far. 

For more on the frustration, go to: 

And in the Politics Fix, we'll talk about the President's speech and the 
Republican response with the Politico's Roger Simon and USA Today's Susan Page.

For another impression of the speech, go to: 

In the Sideshow, we'll be giving out a well-deserved Hardball Award - don't 
miss it!

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