            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - significant developments in the Middle East over the weekend have us 
talking today. 

What will be the impact of the election in Iran that, for now, has reinstalled 
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as President? What about the tough speech from Israeli 
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu? We'll ask NBC News Chief Foreign 
Correspondent Richard Engel and Robin Wright, author of "Dreams and Shadows: 
The Future of the Middle East," to analyze.

For more on the Middle East, go to:

Next up - Cheney vs. the CIA. The fight between former Vice President Cheney 
and the CIA continued when CIA Director Leon Panetta accused Cheney of wanting 
another terrorist attack on the United States in order to vindicate his foreign 
policy positions. David Corn, the Washington Bureau Chief of Mother Jones, and 
Newsweek's Michael Isikoff will weigh in.

For more on Panetta's statement, go to:

Next up - healing healthcare. With the debate over healthcare legislation 
looming, we'll check in with Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen 
Sebelius and ask her what the Obama Administration hopes to include in the 
bills being drafted by Congress. 

For more on healthcare, go to:

And finally, in the Politics Fix, the reemergence of Governor Sarah Palin onto 
the political scene has prompted some to say that the Alaskan governor could 
benefit from learning the lessons of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. We'll 
ask Salon's Joan Walsh and the BBC's Katty Kay, author of "Womenomics," to 

For more on Governor Palin, go to:

Also, be sure to tune in to the Hardball Sideshow! Does Vice President Biden 
have his eye on the top job in the White House? We'll bring you his answer. 

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