            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - this afternoon, President Obama surprised reporters at the daily 
briefing by addressing his comments about the arrest of Professor Gates from 
Wednesday. What did he say, and what are the political ramifications? We'll ask 
Atlantic Media Political Director Ron Brownstein and Dominic Carter, New York 1 
Senior Political Reporter and Host of "Inside City Hall." 

For more on President Obama's comments, go to:

Next up - the arrest of Harvard Professor Henry Gates has managed to trump even 
the divisive healthcare debate in the headlines. Rev. Eugene Rivers and The New 
York Times Charles Blow will be here to discuss the facts surrounding the case. 

For more on Professor Gates, go to:

Plus - Birther Blather. We've recently exposed some notable figures who have 
raised questions about the authenticity of the President's citizenship, but 
some conservatives are coming out against their rebel rousing peers. Bob 
Tyrrell, Founder and Editor in Chief of The American Spectator, plays Hardball 
tonight to explain his perspective. 

For more on the "birthers," go to:

And finally, in the Politics Fix, Sunday marks the last day of Governor Sarah 
Palin's term in office. Here to discuss the Governor's political future, along 
with the politics of the Gates arrest are MSNBC Political Analysts Michael 
Smerconish and Michelle Bernard. 

For more on Governor Palin, go to:

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