            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - President Obama's State of the Union address.
What are we expecting Pres. Obama to say tonight? Senator Claire McCaskill and 
NBC's Chuck Todd will join us with their thoughts. 

For more on the State of the Union address, go to:

Next, more on the State of the Union - Chris lists the three things that the 
president needs to say in tonight. Former Mayor of San Francisco Willie Brown 
and MSNBC political analyst Pat Buchanan will join us to weigh in on what 
should be first and foremost on the agenda. 

For more on the State of the Union address, go to:

Also, we'll take a closer look at the alleged plot by conservative activists to 
tamper with the phone systems in Sen. Landrieu's office. MSNBC's David Shuster 
and MSNBC political analyst Michelle Bernard will join us with the latest.  

For more on James O'Keefe and the scandal, go to: 

And, we'll talk to Republican Strategist Todd Harris and Democratic Strategist 
Steve McMahon about the State of the Union address and what they're expecting 

For more information regarding tonight's address, go to:


And finally, leading up to big speech, we'll talk to Time magazine's Mark 
Halperin and NBC correspondent Andrea Mitchell. 

For even more on what's expected in tonight's address, go to:


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