            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - a big week!

Has President Obama's health care win given strength to his agenda? We'll ask 
MSNBC political analyst Richard Wolffee and Time Magazine's Mark Halperin to 
weigh in.

Next - health care reform has not only bolstered the President, but it appears 
to have energized the Democratic base. Can they carry the momentum into the 
midterms? Former DNC Communucations Director Karen Finney and Republican 
consultant Ron Bonjean will weigh in.

Plus, is tea party anger about opposition to health care or is it about 
changing demographics in the country? Princeton Professor Melissa 
Harris-Lacewell and radio talk show host Dana Loesch will debate that one.

Also, Mitt Romney's got a problem on his hands. As governor of Massachussets, 
he signed a health insurance mandate into law that's very similar to the plan 
in the national health care reform bill. We'll ask the Boston Globe's Peter 
Canellos and the Washington Post's Anne Kornblut to discuss what this means for 
Romney's political future.

And guess which politician donned a wig and bellbottoms for charity. We'll 
bring you the tape in the Hardball Sideshow. Don't miss it!

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