            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First - the elephant(s) in the room!

More than a dozen speakers took the stage at the annual Southern Republican 
Leadership Conference (SRLC) in New Orleans over the weekend. What did we learn 
from the conference about the future of the Republican Party? MSNBC's Political 
Director Howard Fineman and political analyst Eugene Robinson will score this 

And, the retirement of Justice John Paul Stevens leaves a Supreme Court 
vacancy. We'll talk about President Obama's nomination with George Washington 
University professor Jonathan Turley. 

And, just in case you haven't heard . Tina Fey was back at it over the weekend 
reprising her role as former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin on Saturday Night 
Live. Don't miss it in the Sideshow! 

Plus, are Republicans telling whoppers? We'll get down to the truth on 
tonight's Hardball. 

And today, 47 world leaders are gathered in Washington D.C. to meet with 
President Obama at the Nuclear Security Summit. The President hopes to conclude 
the summit with tighter international controls, which will make it more 
difficult for terrorists to obtain materials needed to construct nuclear 
weapons. Can world leaders keep arms away from the bad guys? 

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