            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - the Coming Wave?

The prospects for Democrats in November just got dimmer. Charlie Cook of the 
Cook Political Report revised his House forecast for the midterms, predicting a 
Republican net gain between 35 and 45 seats. The GOP only needs 39 pickups to 
take control of the house for the first time since 2006. Cook and the 
Washington Post's Chris Cillizza will break down the grim news for Democrats.

Plus, the planned Glenn Beck-Sarah Palin rally on the steps of the Lincoln 
Memorial is drawing the ire of black leaders. The conservative rally is slated 
for August 28th, the 47th anniversary of Reverend Martin Luther King's "I Have 
a Dream" speech and civil rights leaders are anything but happy about it. The 
Reverend Al Sharpton will tell us why he's angry.

Then, one day after Rod Blagojevich was convicted on only one of 24 charges 
against him, we're finding out the one reason - or person - why the ex-Illinois 
governor isn't going behind bars for a very long time. The Chicago Sun Times' 
Carol Marin and Politico's Josh Gerstein will give us the latest. 

Next, White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel spent the last three days on the 
phone trying to calm angry Democrats who say they were blindsided when 
President Obama weighed in on the proposed mosque in lower Manhattan. MSNBC 
Political Analyst and the Washington Post's Eugene Robinson will analyze the 
political consequences of the President's words.

And finally, what does Nevada Senate candidate Sharron Angle have in common 
with George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin? Find out in 
tonight's Sideshow.

Want more Hardball updates and breaking political news? Follow producer Brooke 
Brower on Twitter -- www.twitter.com/brookebrower. 

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