VistA Community Call Notes
1-866-639-4718 Access 9185610
September 24, 2003


Maury Pepper
Joseph Dal Molin
David Whitten
Chris Richardson
Rodney Kay
Crawford Rainwater
Tom Stelter
Dee Knapp
Tom Akerman
Phyllis Orr
Rober Witkop
K.S. Bhaskar
Brian Lord
Gordon Morsehead
Summer Chase
Mark ?
Mike ?

Internationalization - Francais
Continuing to look for volunteers on this effort.  There is a lot to
translate and we'll need to work together to get this done in a
reasonable amount of time.  Translation of VA specific information is
not being done as it is not applicable.  Currently there are 6 dialog
txt files with over 22K lines of phrases to be translated.  I and 2
others are working on this effort.  If you can help or know someone who
can help in the translations, please contact me at 703-599-1203. 
Action Item: Claudine will continue to coordinate and update community
as translations are completed.

VistA Community Meeting Planning
Maury updated the group about Oct 21-24 meeting in Greenbelt, MD.
Currently we at 35 registered participants for the meeting.  Please see
rm.html  if you have not registered.  

The 2 hour Training Session Topics have not been updated from last call.
Currently they include:
*       Essential VistA APIs, presented by Rick Marshall
*       VistA Coding Techniques,  presented by Rick Marshall
*       CPRS Demo & Overview, presented by Ross Flecher/Joseph Dal Molin
*       VistA Business & Project Management, presented by Claudine Beron
*       Web Interface for VistA presented by Bob Miller
*       Train the Trainer for Vista, presented by Rodney Kay (projector
*       Learning about OpenForum and VistA, presented by David Whitten
(Internet needed)
*       Unification of Code Base among EHRs, presented by Rick
Marshall/Maury Pepper

Those of you presenting, please let Claudine know by October 13, if you
will require internet access during your presentations for logistics

There will also be panel discussion which include:
*       Systems & Capacity Management
*       OpenSource and VistA (Workshop/Panel)
*       VistA Software Lifecycle

WorldVistA Organization -- Subjects for discussion will include:
*       Continued work on Organization Plan
*       International component
*       Transition Planning
*       Planning for 2005 Conferences
*       Coordination with VSA and other groups  

Special Sessions -- Current sessions include:
*       Vista International Day Forum (see below) Oct 20th
*       VistA History, presented by Marty Johnson
*       CMS (TBD)

Information on the VistA Community Meeting can be found at the
WorldVistA website at
Action Item1: Anyone interested in participating in the Oct 21-24
meeting, please register at:
Action Item2: WorldVistA to put up classes on website to determine
interest in classes
Action Item3: Call for volunteers to train/facilitate/participate in
panel discussions during the conference.    
Action Item4: Room sharing - call for anyone who lives in the DC area
and willing to house someone during the conference. WorldVistA provides
a Yahoo groups page for discussion.  See

International Day Forum
Joseph talked about the international advisor group.  Planning is going
Action Item: Rick/Joseph to provide Agenda and participants to host no
later than Oct 13th.

David Whitten/Chris Richardson updated the group on OpenForum website.
Should be up in the next week or so.  Great opportunity for the
community to work together on VistA development.  

Next Meeting:
October 1, 2004
Call 1-866-639-4718 Access 9185610
All welcome to participate
Agenda items should be sent to Claudine at [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Claudine Beron, PMP
Project Manager
HP Services

301-918-5610 Phone
703-599-1203 Cell
301-918-5527 Fax

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