That just sucks.  Don't want to be too professional about it but when a
hospital can't provide their staff with the best tool to get the job
done - then what's the point?

They should help you setup your VPN and then support it.  There are
always alternatives that can be placed into production without
immediately saying NO if it involves any changes even if those changes
are within their policies.

And its not like policies are in stone - I bet they change - what's
wrong with two VPNs?  Or a second firewall that uses a different set of
rules for a system pointing to your VistA server.  Etc.

At least with my VPN server, if a user connects to it and has a certain
set of criteria (computer IP, username/group, etc) - then I can grant or
deny access to any network resource.

Sure it adds a burden to my administrative tasks if I had to do this all
the time (and I don't, I give full access internally) - but it just
seems like part of the IT group's job.  And I would know - I'm 1/2 of
our company's IT group.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of CS
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2004 3:00 PM
Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Vista without CPRS

That is great.  I'll get the non-gui version and see how that flies.

As for the VPNs, I don't have a choice there.  The hospital only allows 
their VPN to be used.  They monitor the network for rogue VPN activity 
and shut down the ports of any VPN listeners.  If I were to set up my 
own VPN on the Vista server, it would only take a day or so before the 
MAC address was banned from the network.

As for VMWare et al, that is not allowed with this project.  I had to 
fight a major uphill battle to get them to allow purchasing Windows to 
run the GUI version of CPRS.  The initial project plan requested a free 
OS for both the server and clients.  After proving that it would cost 
way too much to get CPRS to run on Linux, they caved on the fact that 
purchasing new client PCs will include the Windows OS - so it isn't 
really an added expense.


Nancy Anthracite wrote:

>You believe you will find documentation for the non GUI version of CPRS
>the web site right next to the CPRSGui documentation -
>List Managers Version is it I think.  John Zimmer is a fan of the
>interface as I recall.
>CPRSGui did not come into existance until the mid-90s to my knowledge,
>you won't be much behind the times.  I gather you have tried various
>or do you have one already that isn't cooperating?
>How about Win4Lin, or VMWare run on Linux?  The VMWare is $165 and I
>Win4Lin is $80.
>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of CS
>Sent: Friday, September 24, 2004 10:32 AM
>Subject: [Hardhats-members] Vista without CPRS
>It is becoming clear that we cannot use CPRS with our network security.
>Is it possible to effectively use Vista without CPRS?  I can easily set
>up SSH accounts for each user so that gtm starts when the login.  I
>assume that setting the primary menu in Vista will change what they see
>once gtm starts.  I just don't know what menus to give the different
>people (nurses, providers, clerks...).  I also haven't found user's
>documentation.  Everything is directed toward the
>administrator/programmer, not the average user.  So, I'm afraid I'll
>have to set aside a lot of time to write documentation while I'm trying
>to learn what to do.
>What I'm trying to get done right now:
> * Have a provider SSH in and immediately get to a patient selection
>screen where he can view/edit patient info
> * Give nurses the same menu - is there any function for a nurse to
>hand-off the patient to a provider without having the nurse log off and
>having the provider log back in and select the same patient?
> * Have clerks SSH in and immediately get to a screen to add patients
>schedule visits for existing patients.
>If I can get to that point, my history has included years of making
>graphical front-ends for telnet/ssh menus (written in Cobol and/or
>Ada).  I will be able to do the same for this without the loop-back
>security headache of CPRS.
> -Shaun
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