Thanks. I implemented everything mentioned and I will show it as the next meeting. I think they will like it. As it is now, having abandoned CPRS, I can set up multiple Vista databases on one server - each connecting to a different port. I can use linux boxes in the remote locations running simple SSH to connect. I have met all HIPAA security issues brought up. I think I'm finally done and it won't be a full year on this until next week.

K.S. Bhaskar wrote:

Ben --

The best advice I was ever given when learning to play pool was to call
my shots, "Watch this."  How could I possibly live up to the
expectations set by a statement like "Your best information will be
coming from Bhaskar soon?"  8-]

Shaun --

If what you are trying to do is create a user who can do nothing on the
system other than run VistA, what Ben has is an excellent example of how
to set up a user who does nothing other than run VistA.  As soon as s/he
logs in, s/he runs VistA, and as soon as s/he exits VistA, s/he is
logged off the computer.

The only suggestion I would have is to trap signals and prevent the user
from getting to the shell, with something like


and prevent a SIGSUSP with something like

 stty susp \000

Put these right at the beginning of the shell script.

GT.M by itself is not designed to be a login shell, and I am amazed that
it even partially worked for you.

I am not sure I like Ben's choice of /usr/local/gtm/log for $gtm_log.  I
would keep /usr/local/gtm and everything under it unchanged, and point
$gtm_log somewhere else, such as /var/log/gtm or /var/log/gtm/<version>
(remember to create it first with mkdir).

If you are concerned about users pressing ^C when running VistA, the
recommended way is to trap it in M application code.  If this is not
permitted, then instead of starting VistA with mumps -run ^ZU, start it
with mumps -run ^xyz where xyz.m is something like:

xyz     Use $P:(NoCEnable)
        Do ^ZU

If between Ben and me we have not answered your question, please ask it

-- Bhaskar

On Mon, 2004-10-11 at 18:13, Benjamin Irwin wrote:

Your best information will be coming from Bhaskar soon, but I have included
my start up information in the following two files.

I have a user named "vista".  The .bash_profile follows:

# .bash_profile

# Get the aliases and functions
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
       . ~/.bashrc

# User specific environment and startup programs


export PATH



Note the "exit" at the very end of the ".bash_profile" this is the Unix
command that is performed when the user is done running the script

The "/usr/local/gtm/VISTA" script follows.

export gtm_dist=/usr/local/gtm
export gtm_log=/usr/local/gtm/log
export gtmgbldir=/usr/local/gtm/vista/g/mumps.gld
export gtm_vista=/usr/local/gtm/vista
export PATH=$PATH:$gtm_dist
export gtmroutines="$gtm_dist($gtm_dist)
/home/biskate/swa(/home/biskate/swa) $g
tm_vista/o($gtm_vista/r/A $gtm_vista/r/B $gtm_vista/r/C $gtm_vista/r/D
a/r/E $gtm_vista/r/F $gtm_vista/r/G $gtm_vista/r/H $gtm_vista/r/I
$gtm_vista/r/K $gtm_vista/r/L $gtm_vista/r/M $gtm_vista/r/N $gtm_vista/r/O
_vista/r/P $gtm_vista/r/Q $gtm_vista/r/R $gtm_vista/r/S $gtm_vista/r/T
a/r/U $gtm_vista/r/V $gtm_vista/r/W $gtm_vista/r/X $gtm_vista/r/Y
mumps -run ^ZU


The last line in this script starts MUMPS and runs the ^ZU routine.  Any
exit from the VISTA software (^ZU) will cause the script to end and return
to the calling Unix startup script.  That causes the Unix "exit" command to
run and ends the users Unix session returning the user to the Unix username
and password.

Hope this helps.


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