First i like to thank Nancy for the very kind
assistance u gave in your reply to my earlier mail for
helping in bridging tutorial. I will work them out,
though i find some info missing as per your document.
Still, you re too kind.

I am consulting for a hospital that will make a
decision soon. I luv to kill i mean catch two birds
with a single net. I maintain my own site at
http://red1.org/ thus my modus operandi is  - feed my
passion, and earn some money to feed my passion. I do
not believe in just contributing back material but
also share the financial fruits as i expected others
to with me, though its not often the case :(.

I wonder if any in the mailing membership are
interested with remote 2nd level support work - where
i only do Q & A with you and an internal team
basically do most of the work physically.

We are still at proposal stage, where i still havent
answered some questions to the owner. If u can help
me, i appreciate it.  I cant pay at first as the buy
decision is still some time away until the owner is
satisfied. U can examine my site and see me closer - i
have a reputation to keep and i have factored in some
support fee for VA.med or vista people into my
proposal. Even a visit there and also for training
with your vendors such as PacificHui. Bottom line is
we need it in order to factor off the risks. I will be
transparent if u have further questions as to the fee
amounts expected. The exact client is a listed company
and thus wishes anonymity at this moment.

My prelim questions are as follows:
1) Is all of OpenVista Open Source? including CPRS,its
components, and Vista Imaging.

2) Are there other paid services that we can engage?
What are its terms and form (materials, training,
direct email, etc, even paid site visit to Malaysia).

3) I am still looking for a full fledge User Manual
for the CPRS, as the hospital owner asked me
yesterday, "Where are the first screens? What is the
entry level for a new patient? What are the fields to
enter? Can i get a barcode of the RMN (running medical
number), but first store the RMN somewhere, then u
print out via the barcode printer?"

We are interested to invite any assistance on this,
and when the project is secured, an agreement based on
the capability of the support person made out. We dont
mind putting 2 support personnel on the payroll.

We give priority to those on the basis that they
deserve the extra income for the good work they are
doing for the community. Thus a separate contribution
can be made to the community if they recommend their
own peers most deserving.

My early apology if my posting here is inappropriate.
But i believe securing this hospital deal will open up
more all-rounded opportunities for all particularly
contributing back, including me which just luvs this
passion of writing whacky tutorials with an attitude
:). I humbly accept any advice.

Thanking you,


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