
Please contact me off line, I would specifically like to know who you "begged and pleaded with" as this is the first time I have heard of your concerns about being not being able to present at WorldVistA meetings. Frankly, given the seriousness of this issue, I am surprised that you have not "officially" contacted the board to voice your concern.... our email addresses are posted on our website.

WorldVistA's focus is making VistA as widely available as possible to improve health care.... not the platforms it runs on. We do care about affordability, platform independence, the VistA code staying open and freely available and there there is viable and growing capacity to support and deploy VistA both for profit and otherwise. This isn't the simple "legacy" business model or market that we are used to, and it is critical to communicate early and oftern to avoid wasting energy on misunderstandings.

Joseph Dal Molin
Director, WorldVistA

Robert M. Witkop wrote:
For years I have been attending World VistA meetings, and have quietly
helped those who were interested in knowing more about Cache. I can show
how using objects to expose VistA data can help VistA acceptance. Using
objects not "object wrappers" can provide performance that cannot be
obtained using wrappers.

I have asked. begged and pleaded for the opportunity to present the
technical benifits of using modern technology, but have not been allowed
to present. Yes, I was allowed a short presentation showing some of the
differences between DSM and Cache, but the slot was during the lunch

Yes, VistA can benefit from InterSystems, that is why I am there, And
yes, there are "non-friendlies" who would cut off their nose to spite
their face.

I am an InterSystems representative. To avoid flames, I normally take
questions about Cache off line and repsond quietly. Yet, others could
have used the information as well.

I would love to do a workshop showing how to map VistA to objects, and
use to objects to expose the data as Java, SQL, etc.

If anyone wants to know more about Cache and InterSystems, you must ask
for it. My voice falls on deaf ears.

Bob Witkop

On Mon, 2004-12-20 at 09:57, James Gray wrote:

I will put it stronger. I wish we could do more to encourage Intersystem and Cache users to post on this list. I personally have been taken aback by the serious animosity toward Intersystems that has been posted on this list. My guess is that it is only a few people expressing a lot of animosity.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Nancy E. Anthracite" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 09, 2004 5:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Crash on D ^ZU

I do. ;-)

On Thursday 09 December 2004 10:27 am, Kevin Toppenberg wrote:


..."lots of animosity against InterSystems"...

I prefer the OpenSource solution of GTM, but I would
never say that I have animosity against InterSystems.
You've always been helpful.  I hope others feel the


--- "Robert M. Witkop" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

VA employees can get developers licenenses from
InterSystems. Others who
want to develop VistA applications on Cache can send
me an email (off
the group - lots of animosity against InterSystems)
with their
information and I will get it to an account manager
and provide them
with a temporary (renewable) license and licensed
version of Cache.

On Wed, 2004-12-08 at 20:13, Takahiro Horie wrote:

I commented out that line. I restarted from Step

32 and on Step 38 I ran

into a problem.

I'm supposed to add the line "Q 99 ; Dummy return

for Cache 5", but the

source code is:

--- snippet ---

;To get available jobs from Cache 5.0
I v'<5 D  Q AVJ
. X "S ZOSV=$ZU(5),%=$ZU(5,""%SYS"") S
;Return fixed value not known version
Q 15
Q 8

--- endsnippet ---

Do I change the "Q 15" to "Q 99" ? I'm not sure

what to do.


On Wed, Dec 08, 2004 at 09:16:01PM -0500, Nancy E.

Anthracite wrote:

That appears to come from

;The next line keeps sign-on users from taking

the last slot

;It can be commented out if not needed.
JOBCHK I $$AVJ^%ZOSV()<3 W $C(7),!!,"** TROUBLE

** - ** CALL IRM NOW! **" G


... so I guess it probably has to do with the

Cache Jobs and something must

have gone wrong when you did step 38. Can you

go back and try that again?

On Wednesday 08 December 2004 04:31 pm, Takahiro

Horie wrote:

I'm trying to install VistA following the

instructions on for the

Cache/Windows install guide.

On Step 91, when I type D ^ZU, I get an error


** TROUBLE ** - ** CALL IRM NOW! **

And the terminal window closes itself


I tried to re-open the terminal and I entered:

Namespace: VISTA
You're in namespace VISTA
Default directory is c:\cachesys\mgr\vista\

But I get the same error message again.

Any ideas what to do so I can complete the




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