Although I have a different location for vista_home, all the definitions seem to be working for GTM and the globals.
After assuming identity of '10000000038, all the fileman access and services seem to startup OK but:

after starting RPC broker the Linux machine is just idling. *until* I connect with CPRS 23-15 which gives
"Error Encountered Function was: recv
which causes the server to go to 97% cpu continuously
the D STOP^XWBTCP(9200) fails to stop the process and I have to exit GTM and run mupip stop process.

 I guess that behaviour can't be due to lack of ZTMGRSET.

I'll have to stop my own processes for today, and revisit tomorrow ...thanks for the help.


Nancy E. Anthracite wrote:
At the end of this post are the instructions for getting it going in the environment I set it up in (with lots of help, of course), but it is apparently not configured the same way as Bhaskar posted it. I had it configured with VistA routines and globals in the VADemo off of the /home/user/VADemo directory and the GTM routines were in /usr/local/gtm and the name of the machine was Morphix. It was configured to be run from a Morphix DVD in that same configuration because I did not realize Bhaskar did not configure things the same way I did. It is not started by running a script called "vista" in my configuration. You need to use the correct system manager to have things work, or make yourself a user who has exactly the same settings in the NEW PERSON file.

These are my environment variables, and it works with these if set up as described above. The ZTMGRSET was run.

export vista_home=VADemo
export gtm_vista="$HOME/VADemo"
export gtm_dist=/usr/local/gtm
export PATH="$PATH:$gtm_dist"
export gtm_log=/usr/local/gtm/logs
export gtmgbldir="$HOME/VADemo/g/mumps.gld"
export gtmroutines="$gtm_vista/o($gtm_vista/r) $gtm_dist";
export globals=/home/nancy/VADemo/ZWR

alias ll.='ls -dl .* --color=tty'
alias GTM="$gtm_dist/mumps -direct"
alias gtm='$gtm_dist/mumps -direct'
alias mupip="$gtm_dist/mupip"
alias gde="$gtm_dist/mumps -r ^GDE"
alias GDE="$gtm_dist/mumps -r ^GDE"
alias lke="$gtm_dist/lke"
alias dse="$gtm_dist/dse"
alias LKE="$gtm_dist/lke"
alias DSE="$gtm_dist/dse"
alias rundown="$gtm_dist/mupip rundown -r \"*\""

Start GTM, then D ^XUP Access code is WORLDVISTAIS#1. If you
want to change it, D P^DI, Option 1, File 200, person is `10000000038 and
change ACCESS CODE. (That is the "tic" below the ~ on your keyboard and there are 8 zeros between the 1 and the 38) Then go back to the GTM prompts and back to D ^XUP.

Then start Taskman D ^ZTMB and D ^ZTMON and then after Taskman is up and running (takes about 2 minutes to clear the startup hang), run D STRT^XWBTCP(9200) (you may use some port other than 9200 if you want.) then use the CPRSChart.exe the 23-15 version that is in found in Order_Entry_Results_Reporting in the Software, Package section of ftp

When you shut down, D STOP^XWBTCP(9200) and then D STOP^ZTMKU.  When it
all stops, halt GTM and then do

mupip rundown -r "*"

and then if it will not rundown, do the linux command

ps -ef|grep mumps

and stop all the mumps processes with

mupip stop [process number]

Then go back and do the rundown again.


On Wednesday 12 January 2005 07:47 pm, T Maynard wrote:

Confession:  I discovered a faulty environmental variable
for $vista_home  set to "/usr/localOpenVistA"  missing a "/"

  After correcting this I now have Fileman and XUP login to
Options... but this gives me the opportunity to ask:
  How is this $vista_home env.variable functioning for GTM?

  Previously when reinstalling I was only using env
definitions for gtm_dist,gtm_vista,gtmgbldir,gtmroutines.
I then added $vista_home, not knowing if it was needed only
by the "vista" install script or for reference by a running
GTM. It appears to be required for reference even thought
the gtmroutines paths seemed to be properly defined.
  For the GTM setup on SemiViva Demo how is $vista_home
being referenced?

  As to the question of  being "GT.Mized"  I guess Demo is
working now for those important routines ...but I am not the
one to easily identify any  altered performance if it were
to reference some alien routines.


K.S. Bhaskar wrote:

I am not sure that the demo was "GT.Mized", e.g., by running ZTMGRSET.
I didn't do it (at that time, I didn't realize that it was needed), and
I am not sure that it was done before it came to me to package.

-- Bhaskar

On Wed, 2005-01-12 at 16:27, Joseph Dal Molin wrote:

From what I understand of how the demo was put together I would not
have too much faith in doing anything more than playing with CPRS. This
demo is not a properly configured while a lot beyond CPRS
may work or seem to work....the problems you can run into beyond CPRS
may be due to how the demo was assembled.



T Maynard wrote:

I am reviving this thread subject from around Oct 11 2004.  The
suggestion by Joseph that VistaDemo would be good for  newcomer Rod
Roark, motivates me to revisit it because I want to see its sample
clinical data in situ. In October, I was able to get authenticated
using  Nancy's instruction on this thread and amended users, perhaps
Upon returning to it I was stumped and also worried about having
tampered with it previously so I reinstalled back to the enigmatic
beginning ....where:

d ^XUP
yields ->  "Setting up Programmer Environment"
but without a followup  * Identity= *   prompt and there is no Options

d p^DI
does not yield fileman menus  and
other routines such as startup taskman do not generate either screen
results or error messages.

 This makes me suspicious of GTM system variables such as gtmroutines
...but I think every thing is at the default definitions and locations

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ty]$ echo $gtmroutines
/usr/local/OpenVistA/o(/usr/local/OpenVistA/r) /usr/local/gtm

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ty]$ echo $gtmgbldir

I don't recall that running  D ^ARJTGTM  was necessary for this
Semiviva Demo.
Is there a step by step guide for Demo startup or would someone lead me
by the hand?

Rusty Maynard

Nancy E. Anthracite wrote:

The lack of information about this demo is entirely my fault.  I was
supposed to write instructions, and have not yet. It is the same demo
that you see at ported to GTM.  He has made it so
you can install it on your hard drive if it is SemiViva, and run it
off the Knoppix DVD you create if it is Viva (which will unpack to be
a .iso file to be burned onto a DVD).  If you are looking at a script
to run, it is likely the former, SemiViva, to be installed on your
hard drive in Linux.
Bhaskar usually includes instructions for where you can download
Xdialog, which installs easily.
This is purely a demo for CPRS as it has lots of routines in it that
were used to make it, etc., and it is not really to be used as a model
of a fully configured and functional system.  When you look at the
online demo, you will see it has doctors like One, Doctor and patients
like One, Patient and the like.
The short version of the instructions once you have installed follow.
Longer and more detailed instructions will follow once I have time to
work on them.  My apologies for not getting on them sooner, but my son
is paying me an unexpected visit, so I am spending time with him.

Start GTM, then D ^XUP Access code is WORLDVISTAIS#1, I think.  If you
want to change it, D P^DI, Option 1, File 200, person is `10000000038
and change ACCESS CODE. (That is the "tic" below the ~ on your
keyboard and there are 8 zeros between the 1 and the 38)  Then go back
to the GTM prompts and back to D ^XUP.

Then start Taskman D ^ZTMB and D ^ZTMON and then after Taskman is up
and running (takes about 2 minutes to clear the startup hang), run D
STRT^XWBTCP(9200) (you may use some port other than 9200 if you want.)
then use the CPRSChart.exe the 23-15 version that is in
found in Order_Entry_Results_Reporting in the Software, Package
section of ftp

When you shut down, D STOP^XWBTCP(9200) and then D STOP^ZTMKU.  When it
all stops, halt GTM and then do

mupip rundown -r "*"

and then if it will not rundown, do the linux command

ps -ef|grep mumps

and stop all the mumps processes with

mupip stop [process number]

Then go back and do the rundown again.

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