Nice going, Kevin!  The VistA Office folks might like this once you get your 
last problem solved. 

On Sunday 13 February 2005 08:03 pm, Kevin Toppenberg wrote:
> Hey all,
> I have some code to offer othes here (if they want
> it), and some thoughts and questions.
> First, I wrote some custom code that bulk-created
> patient records in the PATIENT file.  I ported over
> around 70,000 patients.  Now, as I use these patients,
> I am finding that some tweeking needs to be done...
> ie. completing the records etc.  So I have been trying
> to decide how best to edit this data.  I am
> comfortable now doing it directly in Fileman.  But
> that wouldn't be good for my receptionists.  So I
> looked at the DG REGISTER... menus.  And there I ran
> into the same problem that Nick was having about the
> system trying to connect to the MPI.  Plus, it was
> getting to way too many questions (i.e. it was getting
> ready to admit a patient into the hospital), rather
> than just editing the patient record.
> So I have cut, pasted, and trimmed down this code
> (originally from DGREG.m) to make the following
> function.  It can be called with a parameter=1 if
> adding new patients is to be allowed.  Here is the
> code.  And FYI, it uses a standard VistA screenman
> based system of editing.  (Questions below)
>   ;"Purpose: Ask for patient name, and allow editing
>   ;"Input: AddOK: if 1, adding new patients allowed
>   ;"Result: none
>       do LO^DGUTL
>       set DGCLPR=""
>       new DGDIV set DGDIV=$$PRIM^VASITE
>       if DGDIV>0 set
> %ZIS("B")=$piece($get(^DG(40.8,+DGDIV,"DEV")),U,1)
>       kill %ZIS("B")
>       if '$data(DGIO),$piece(^DG(43,1,0),U,30) do
>         . set %ZIS="N",IOP="HOME"
>         . do ^%ZIS
> A     do ENDREG^DGREG($get(DFN))
>         do  if (Y<0) goto EditDone
>         . W !!
>         . if $get(AddOK)=1 do
>         . . set DIC=2,DIC(0)="ALEQM"
>         . . set DLAYGO=2
>         . else  do
>         . . set DIC=2,DIC(0)="AEQM"
>         . . set DLAYGO=0
>         . kill DIC("S")
>         . do ^DIC
>         . kill DLAYGO
>         . if Y<0 quit
>         . set (DFN,DA)=+Y
>         . set DGNEW=$P(Y,"^",3)
>         . new Y
>         . do PAUSE^DG10
>         . do BEGINREG^DGREG(DFN)
>         . if DGNEW D NEW^DGRP
>       if +$get(DGNEW) do
>       . ;" query CMOR for Patient Record Flag Assignments
> if NEW patient and
>       . ;" display results.
>       set (DGFC,CURR)=0
>       set DA=DFN
>         set DGFC="^1"
>         set
> VET=$select($data(^DPT(DFN,"VET")):^("VET")'="Y",1:0)
>       set %ZIS="N",IOP="HOME"
>         do ^%ZIS
>         set DGELVER=0
>         ;"do EN^DGRPD
>         ;"if $data(DGRPOUT) do  goto A
>         ;". do ENDREG^DGREG($G(DFN))
>         ;". do HL7A08^VAFCDD01
>         ;". kill DFN,DGRPOUT
>       ;"do HINQ^DG10
>       if $D(^DIC(195.4,1,"UP")) if ^("UP") do ADM^RTQ3
>       do REG^IVMCQ($G(DFN))  ;" send financial query
>       set DGRPV=0
>       do EN1^DGRP
> EditDone
>       quit
> OK, the next issue I need to solve is the actual
> addition of a NEW patient (i.e. LAYGO).  If I supply a
> new name of a patient, it asks if I want to add a new
> patient.  If I say YES, it goes into roll and scroll
> mode, asking many more questions than my setting
> needs, and only comes back to the screenman ("nicer")
> editing screens after aborting with a "^" (and, oh by
> the way, you have to know how many questions you have
> to answer before jumping out, or the record is not
> created).
> So It seems that an input template might help here.
> But how would I tell ^DIC to use an input template in
> event of Laygo?
> Thanks
> Kevin
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