This means that there is no way that i can have a patient run CPRS?
Don't you think it would be fine if a patient could be given an Access code
and Verify code. This could then open-up CPRS with only that patient's
record. That is, it will not have the first popup screen where you select
the patient. and obviously it need be read only probably only the reports
tab! Guess this may call for some alteraltion of the CPRS code! But I was
thinking of this as a possibility?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jim Self" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2005 2:46 AM
Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Patient access to medical records.

> Joseph wrote:
> > From what I understand MyHealth-e-Vet employs a 3 tier
> >architecture.....with Oracle storing the patient's data extracted from
> >VistA. It is not a real time link for is done by a batch
> >process.
> I don't think it is quite as bad as a batch process. I looked at it when
this topic first
> came up some months ago and from what I recall of it, it updates the data
for an
> individual patient record via HL7 on request from the patient while the
patient is viewing
> the record. I didn't actually try the update for the demo patient I was
looking at, but I
> expect that it would update within a few minutes when requested.
> >I agree with Nancy that it would be best and perhaps easier to
> >replace it.
> Starting with an OpenVistA database and building on M2Web, I think it
would be fairly easy
> (as programming goes ;) ) for someone familiar with the data structure
(files and fields)
> of the medical record to provide a similar view of live data.
> I expect that the extra layers of isolation and encryption in the current
> could be implemented as well with GT.M and other Open Source tools.
> >I should add that the functionality of the current system is
> >very good...another kudo to the VA here...while the rest of the world
> >has been talking about patient access to medical records for years the
> >VA is doing it.
> >
> >Joseph
> >
> >Nancy Anthracite wrote:
> >> Patients have access to a database that is not directly part of CPRS
and is
> >> accessed through the Internet called MyHealth-e-Vet .  I have asked to
> >> the software from the VA but I don't know the answer yet. It is rather
> >> complex, from what I understand, and uses a lot of proprietary programs
> >> special equipment.  It really sounds as if the best thing to do is to
> >> it with something else.
> >>
> >> On Friday 04 February 2005 07:14 am, Nick James wrote:
> >>
> >>>Was curious! As far as I know only a person from the
> >>>new patient file (provider...), has access to the
> >>>patient's medical record.
> >>>Can a patient access his own medical record? Does he
> >>>use CPRS....? If so, how are the keys to be
> >>>assigned... security...?
> >>>
> >>>Nick
> ---------------------------------------
> Jim Self
> Systems Architect, Lead Developer
> VMTH Computer Services, UC Davis
> (
> -------------------------------------------------------
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