On Tue, 2005-03-08 at 14:16 -0800, Mark Street wrote: 
> Now that I have scrapped through the circa 2003 stuff it is time to give the 
> latest and greatest a try.
> 1.  Does this release run under Fedora Core 3?

[KSB] It has been reported as running on FC3.  However, FC3 may have a
default setting that prevents processes from executing code from heap
(malloc'd) space.  Since GT.M is a true compiler and M requires dynamic
compilation of code, if turned on, this setting must be turned off.  I
don't have personal experience with FC.

> 2.  I would rather not utilize the vista script with Xdialog as I am 
> accessing 
> the server with no X binaries or libraries installed.  Can I do this with 
> SemiVivA?

[KSB] Short answer: yes.

Long answer: you don't need to use the /usr/local/OpenVistA/vista script
to run VistA on GT.M, on either VivA or SemiVivA.  All it does is set up
a bunch of environment variables using Xdialog for user interaction.
Check the script for the environment variables it sets (and note that it
calls /usr/local/gtm/gtmprofile).  Minimally, you will need to set:

$vista_home (needed if you wan to use the global directory
at /usr/local/OpenVistA/g/mumps.gld; tnot needed if you create your own
global directory) to point to something
like /home/mark/myVistA/VistA20050212 if the database is
at /home/mark/myVistA/VistA20050212/g/mumps.dat, dynamically created
source routines are in the directory /home/mark/myVistA/VistA20050212/r
and dynamically compiled object files are to go
in /home/mark/myVistA/VistA20050212/o.

$gtm_dist to point to /usr/local/gtm, the directory where GT.M is

$gtmgbldir to point to the global directory,
i.e., /usr/local/OpenVistA/g/mumps.gld.

$gtmroutines to point to
/usr/local/OpenVistA/o(/usr/loca/OpenVistA/r) $gtm_dist"

So the following should allow you to execute VistA successfully:

To install Vista (look out for inopportune line breaks caused by mail):

  mkdir -p /home/mark/myVistA/VistA20050212/{g,o,r}
  gzip -d </usr/local/OpenVistA/g/mumps.dat.gz

To run VistA:

  source /usr/local/gtm/gtmprofile
  export vista_source=/usr/local/OpenVistA
  export vista_home=/home/mark/myVistA/VistA20050212
  export gtmgbldir=$vista_source/g/mumps.gld
  export gtmroutines="$vista_home/o($vista_home/r)
$vista_source/o($vista_source/r) $gtm_dist"
  $gtm_dist/mumps -dir

Have fun!

-- Bhaskar

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