You are correct, William was connecting to the VA Demo on a local windows/cahce server. I remember the strange feeling of irony sitting with William in KL running CPRS on a Linux machine against a windows based server and seeing the cover page come up for the first time. Time to get the Linux version of the demo out of the garage and give it a sure seems soooo tantalizingly close to the "holy grail" :-) I am sure it would not be major surgery to get a stable version running in the not too distant future....but then I am not a programmer and an optimist....a dangerous combination.


Nancy Anthracite wrote:
This is VERY good sign and hopefully about to get better, but VistA may well be running on Windows and Cache at the VA so you are likely only part way there. I believe William was connecting to a Windows machine running VistA on Cache.

On Tuesday 29 March 2005 04:41 pm, Joseph Dal Molin wrote:

It works.....or atleast it seems to. Thanks for the port tip Nancy

I fixed the port address and entered the following command in the
/opt/cxoffice/bin directory after downloading and installing the latest
version of Crossover Office, which essentially is Wine:

./wine /mnt/windows/Program\ Files/VistA/CPRS/CPRSChart.exe CCOW=disable p=23

I used the VA demo version of CPRS....from the demo website. The launch
stalled a couple of times....there was an error message which could only
be seen by maximizing the button for the message on my toolbar....this
lead to a request to download Mozilla's Active X components and install
them on my C: drive where Windows lives in my dual boot machine. It
installed the Active X stuff and voila CPRS came up.

We had gotten as far as the cover sheet before (William Wong, who works
with Molly Cheah) but the system would present any graphics....NOW it
seems to work fine....William thought the issue was the Active X

So.....what is needed next is a really good test drive to see by several
people to see if everything works as it should. The VA Demo is buggy so
it is not clear to me when there is a real bug or its just the demo at
this point.....

My guess is that the combination of the latest version of wine +
whatever bells and whistles they provide for wine with Crossover Office
+ plus the Mozilla Active X stuff did the trick...hopefully it is not
just a false postive alarm....


Nancy Anthracite wrote:

That is just port 23, the telnet port, not port 23g.

CCOW=disable p=23"

On Tuesday 29 March 2005 03:11 pm, Joseph Dal Molin wrote:

I am trying to run the CPRS client that is downloaded from the VA demo
site.....from Linux using Crossover Office and pointing to the VA demo
server....NOT to Linux or a local install. The parameters are the ones
supplied by the VA..... hmmm it's been a while since I used that demo so
will make sure it still works from Windows.... the VA may have updated.


Nancy Anthracite wrote:

If this is the latest CPRS you are using, it will likely not work with

Otherwise you can make a shortcut that points at the CPRS you want to
start and include the parameters after it like is described in the
Chapter 2 document on Hardhats under projects.  Just add the things you
have listed to the port and IP.  However, I am suspicious of p=23g .
Where did you find that?

CPRSChart.exe s= p=9200

On Tuesday 29 March 2005 01:27 pm, Joseph Dal Molin wrote:

Does anyone know how to pass the parameters CPRS needs to connect to a
server using Crossover Office. For a lark I downloaded the latest
version of CXoffice and ran CPRS with the intention of pointing it to
the online VA demo. The splash screen comes up and there is what
definitely appears to be a network related can't find the is I am sure because I couldn't figure out how to pass the
parameters CPRS needs to find the server.  It may not work beyond this
point even with the parameter passed correctly, but it's worth knowing
if it does.

The message I get is

Error encountered, Function was: connect

the parameters to pass are:

CCOW=disable p=23g


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