On Sunday 03 April 2005 17:02, Nancy Anthracite wrote:
> Which version of CPRS are you running?  Do you have the right permissions
> so Linux isn't killing you?  Did you look at chapter 2 carefully and try

Well, is the version.  How could Linux kill me?  It may well be the 
death of me.... Linux.  Don't tell me I have wasted the last 11 years of my 
life on it only to perish.

> all of the tricks and check that the Windows firewall isn't up as well as
> whatever software firewall you are running on your Windows side and you
> have the router right.  This sounds like a security/firewall thing, not
> like a CPRS/VistA program thing to me.

No firewall on the client, No firewall rules for the internal network.

Turned off firewall code on the server, still no go.

I will go back to my configuration.... it must be me.  Damn, there is 
definitely a learning curve happening here.

Mark Street, RHCE
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