Haven't heard much about the infamous law suit for a while.... here is an interesting article from CIO Today:


The SCO Boomerang and the Strength of Linux

  By Pamela Jones
NewsFactor Network
 April 15, 2005 1:49PM

"So, where are we now in the SCO v. the World litigation? Most observers now seem to view the case as more about a contract dispute, and the latest SCO claim it wishes to add to its complaint seems to be about AIX code on the Power architecture, which absolutely has no relationship to Linux. So what happened to SCO's Linux copyright infringement claims? "

"While it's unwise to predict outcomes in legal disputes beyond what ought to happen, the market already has reached its own conclusion, which is that in the enterprise, most folks just don't care how it turns out. They want to switch to Linux and they are. "

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