Cameron's observations are quite relevant to the direction that VIstA and M should be heading now in support of capabilities for healthcare. The timeline he lays out below is illustrative of the "Life Cycle Principles" in Software Engineering that are apparent in CMU commnets about the Va approach. It was clear in the 1980s that the Waterfall Lifecyle model was outdated though it might apply in appropriate instances. From the VA experience ASTM E-1340 (updated in 2005) on Rapid Prototype LCM appeared and has been one key basis for the application of Life Cycle Principles to the M (including Cache) environment. Cam's (and other old-timer's) comments illustrate where the Life Cycle Principles that are organized in the RP-LCM came from and how Rich Sowinski's comments iluustrate how they can still benefit the VA, as well as the M and Software engineering, communities. Visibly showing how this has, is and can be done to yield quality information architectures will be the challenge to the VistA and M communities in demonstrating how the M environment is a leading technical infrastructure for implementing the very complex conceptual content of healthcare. That Octo Barnett saw this 40 yrs ago and his vision led to a viable community that had not only the Life Cycle Principles but also the Enterprise View at that time. It is only sad that events led to the elimination of the formal organizational structure after the 1999 San Diego meeting because the MTA had a perspective that was as broad as that stated for the current challenge for the NHII/NHIN by ONCHIT.

Hopefully, Cam's comments can help all envision how to revitalize the Community and show all how to discipline the technology to achieve the needed effects. A re-energized MDC will be needed to communicate with the ICT communities about the technical infrastructure while the WV and other associated organizations focus on how to address the the conceptual content issues using the M environment through involvement of the health professional disciplines. Hopefully, Cam can suggest how to concurrently establish dialog with the Va memebers of these health professional disciplines in documneting the "Requirements" for an evolved VistA while the M-oriented ICT professional members address how to educate managers and administrators in the Life Cycle Principles for implementing that conceptual content. Wide appreciation of the ways that this can be best achieved will depend upon the wide-ranging education by the re-0engergized M and VistA communities.


On Mon, 18 Apr 2005, Cameron Schlehuber wrote:

I've often wondered why things happened the way they did with DHCP and
VistA, politics being what it is.  Looking at the timeline and the major
political players, my naïve take on it is as follows:

Late 1970's -- President Carter -- central management, pre-DHCP goes
1980's -- President Reagan and Senator Sonny Montgomery -- note they were
from different parties but were champions of local control, DHCP thrives
1990's -- President Clinton -- central management, no retooling, few new
versions, waterfall software development lifecycle
early 2000's -- President Bush -- central management with local initiatives
... Enterprise Architecture as sound principles could be VERY good ...
senior management dictating details of technical implementations frustrating
even to central middle management ...

Well centered principles with natural consequences are the foundations of
efficiency and good results especially when conducted locally.  But even
central management without a sound foundation is likely to be worse than
local efforts that span the spectrum from good to bad.  At least there may
be some good things to choose from.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Bain
Sent: Monday, April 18, 2005 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] VA project funding hits hurdle in House -
St. Pete TImes

CONCUR!  Health care, like politics, is best delivered locally.

- Bain

At 05:21 PM 4/18/2005, you wrote:
The quote in the article from Steve Buyer must be distressing to anyone
who remembers
anything about the origins and development of VistA:

 "Information technology at (the) VA is not centrally managed, and the
results are poor
service to veterans, inefficiency and wasted tax dollars," Indiana
Republican Steve Buyer,
the committee chairman, said in a written statement.

My understanding is that overly centralized management of IT in the VA has
always been the biggest source of "poor service to veterans, inefficiency
and wasted tax
dollars". Has that changed or is this more of the same?

Nancy Anthracite

--------------------------------------- Jim Self Systems Architect, Lead Developer VMTH Computer Services, UC Davis (

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