I have become the conduit for anonymous posts.  Here
is another:

Just for the record, I don't like to be in the middle
of these things, and will only post a few more such
replies.  He are all adults.  I think we can keep our
converstations civil.  There is no need to hide behind


I’m sending this to you and not to Hardhats because I
don’t want incite the wrath of its membership, but I
feel compelled to set the record straight when such
egregious misstatements are rendered.  Regarding the
“anonymous source”, the concluding paragraph
illustrates a total lack of understanding of the IHS
environment and the IHS relationship with VHA.  I have
worked for many years in VA and in IHS and am probably
better suited to commenting on this than most people. 
These comments follow, which you are welcome to share
if done so anonymously:
IHS Empire – This criticism should more appropriately
be leveled at VHA.  IHS has not created an empire and
has been very willing to share what they have done and
to incorporate what others have done.  The VA, for the
most part, fails to understand the differences between
the respective agencies and the populations that they
serve –  hence the need for IHS to modify existing and
create additional functionality to meet the needs of
their patients.
Lagging Behind – The IHS EHR product, a
component-based, extensible, graphical EMR, is
actually well ahead of CPRS in almost every respect.

Stuff VA Didn’t’ Get – Like what?  Look at all the
things the VA uses that originated in IHS:  PCE,
Health Summary, Women’s Health, to name a few.  The
barrier has always been the VA’s reluctance to
accepting outside technologies, never IHS’s
unwillingness to share.

$311 Million – IHS’s budget is much smaller than VA,
yet they have accomplished so much.  To be fair, a
large part of this is due to their ability to utilize
what VA has invested so much in creating.  They aren’t
trying to recreate anything, just adapting and
augmenting what currently exists.



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