Of course Kevin beat me to it :P

But here is my proposal anyway....
To create an open document (via wiki of course) of a single full rollout
of a virtual hospital.

In my overweening hubris (I believe hubris is already overweening so
just more so) I have started said document (although I haven't put it up

What I wanted to do was define the hospital in a virtual way and make an

I have been documenting every step as I go... not particularly well but
at least attempting to put something together.

The idea is that I will put the document on the wiki and
open up my machine to the net as well... allowing people to set up
whatever portion of vista they would like to... documenting it along the
way. Um... by people... I mean hard hatters.

What do you all think?


On Wed, 2005-04-20 at 13:47 -0700, Kevin Toppenberg wrote:
> Well, I have spent the better part of all day today
> creating a "run book" for our office.  I tried to go
> through the basics of what they would need to get the
> server up etc.
> I have put it on my old website because I don't know
> how I would get all the links to work right if I put
> it on the Wikki.
> Here is the link
> http://www.geocities.com/kdtop3/VistAHowTo.htm
> Kevin
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