On Tuesday 19 April 2005 22:14, Doctor Bones wrote:
> Not necessarily because I don't believe it is true... After having vista
> use me as a punching bag for a couple of months I sort of believe it :).

I hear ya brother.  I take it in small chunks.  I get tired and fatigued to 
the point of exhaustion.... then I stop all things VistA and go about my 
normal business.  I let my brain mull it over and ferment like a fine Greek 
wine.  Then I go back for another chunk and start the whole process again.

> I think this is a problem with DOCUMENTATION!!!
> Even the configuration stuff of Kevin's, Mark's, Nancy's, OpenHui et
> all... DOESN'T REALLY EXPLAIN WHAT IS GOING ON. Notice I didn't mention
> the VA's stuff... that is coming up.

Agreed!!!  I think once one starts to understand what is going on they are so 
elated to get to some sort of summit they simply pack up their knowledge 
about 'why' and 'what' is going on and move on up towards the summit.  I for 
one am trying to give a little bit back by contributing to the Wiki... it is 
a work in progress.  We can put up the structure and fill in the spaces as we 

> I want to know what specific fields mean... what am I entering... why
> isn't it allowing me to enter a specific field.
> What combination of field entries will do the thing I want.

Keep molding the clay in your hands until it gets soft enough for you to mold 
it how you want.

Join the club Mano, I think we are in the same class at this point in time.

Mark Street, RHCE
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