"user beware" is standard fare in software EULA's so the good news it would not be unique for this caveat to be added to VistA code.


Kevin Toppenberg wrote:
As the author of one such script, I would agree that
it is a "user beware" situation. It would be nice if
the work could be expanded upon and made more safe. But one has to start somewhere.


--- steven mcphelan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

There is one issue I have with the WorldVistA VistA
codebase.  I mentioned
this at Boston.  But it needs to be brought up in
this larger context.
1. Who has access to this code base to make any
supposed modifications to
2. What relationship will all these "scripts" have
to the official codebase?
   a. Will these scripts be certified by some
official entity with
WorldVistA as being fully compatible with the VA
VistA code base and will do
no harm to VA VistA?
   b. If not will the variances be documented?
   c. Is there a list of these scripts and their
certification status by
some entity in authority for WorldVistA?
3. To date, who has been allowed to make
modifications to the WorldVistA
VistA codebase?
   a. Have those modifications been well documented
so that others can
review them?
   b. Who decides what modifications will and will
not be added to the
WorldVistA codebase?
   c. Are there established, documented processes
certifying these changes
have done no harm to the VA VistA code base?
   d. Where is the documented plan to maintain,
support, and update any
modifications made to the VA VistA codebase?
   e. Is there a well defined software QA process
established to certify
any of these changes to the VA codebase.  If so who
is involved with this
and are the findings available for review?

I could go on...
Rick did promise that some of these may be addressed
at the next WorldVistA

I think the audience needs right now a list of these
scripts and which of
these are officially blessed by WorldVistA (i.e.,
the Board and the
President) and why.  Or there should be a disclaimer
presented with some
such wording as "User beware and use at your own
risk".  Frankly, I believe
people get this stuff from WorldVistA or hardhats
and believe that it has
the total and unreserved approval of the WorldVistA
Board and the President
of WorldVistA.  I am not sure that approval really
exists.  I personally
view these "scripts" as any other freeware.  If you
like it, use it, but YOU
assume ALL responsibility for the outcome of using

As an example of these concerns:
This move to internationalize VistA is no small
trivial task,  It will
require extensive modifications of FOIA VistA.  Thus
each and every patch
that is released by the VA will have to be scrubbed
to make it
internationalized ready for implementation into the
WorldVistA codebase.
Again this is no small trivial process.  The code
and the KIDS build has to
be modified.  Then it has to be extensively QA'd
again.  It needs to see if
there are any new interactions with the FOIA
codebase that did not exist
previously.   This is no simple, trivial, short-time
frame task.  Where is
the published processes documenting who, what,
where, when, and how this
will be done (or any of the other modifications

Or will the modified WorldVistA codebase be like
HUI?  I am under the
impression (right or wrong) that the HUI VistA
codebase is way out of synch
with the current VA codebase, like maybe several
years out of synch.  I am
not the only one with this impression.

I raise this up on this licensing thread because the
answers to these
questions will affect the license. If it is open
source, then I as an
end-user have the right to know exactly who, what,
when, where, and how
items are incorporated into the SUPPORTED codebase. WorldVistA does not
have a financial engine like Apache to generate
resources to maintain this

----- Original Message ----- From: "Mark Street" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <hardhats-members@lists.sourceforge.net>
Sent: Sunday, April 24, 2005 2:11 PM
Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Vista-Office -
..worldvista..openvista...opensource... off-topic

Well, riddle me this...... and I just didn't fall

off the turnip truck.

Several board members of WorldVista also have a

commercial interest in the

success of VistA, along with a few outside

commercial vendors who have the

dough to throw at this immense project.

How many code bases are there now? FOIA, HUI,

WorldVistA, OpenVistA? From

where I sit Medsphere with it's hired talent and

marketing power has a leg


1. WorldVista is the organization - OpenVista is

the codebase. (T/F)

2. What specific 'open source' license(s) are

being considered for

3.  What boundaries in the fine print of the GPL

are of concern to the

WorldVista organization?

The boundaries that separate what's yours from

what's ours would be similar to

genetically modified corn or cotton seeds being

carried by natural or other

means from your field into my field. I imagine

the concept will have to be

similar to proprietary binary modules plugged into

the Linux kernel, or

binary only distribution of commercial components.

Anyway you look at it, your's vs. our's does not

foster broad community

support, involvement and innovation. Look to the

Apache project, PHP and

the Linux kernel of models that have succeeded in

this regard.

Like I have seen on a signature on Linux Today....

one must first understand

recursion to understand recursion.


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