HHS has published it's findings from the RFI it issued on the Natioanl Health Information Network initiative....here is a brief quote from the report....patient centric and decentralized....has a familiar ring to it??


"Among the many opinions expressed, significant support emerged for the following concepts:

A NHIN should be a decentralized architecture built using the Internet, linked by uniform communications and a software framework of open standards and policies. A NHIN should reflect the interests of all stakeholders and be a joint public/private effort. A governance entity composed of public and private stakeholders should oversee the determination of standards and policies. A NHIN should be patient-centric with sufficient safeguards to protect the privacy of personal health information. Incentives will be needed to accelerate the deployment and adoption of a NHIN. Existing technologies, federal leadership, prototype regional exchange efforts, and certification of EHRs will be the critical enablers of a NHIN. Key challenges to developing and adopting a NHIN were listed as: the need for additional and better refined standards; addressing privacy concerns; paying for the development and operation of, and access to the NHIN; accurately matching patients identity; and addressing discordant inter- and intra-state laws regarding health information exchange. "

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