Hee's a slightly modified version of some code I wrote to recursively
traverse a file entry. You could probably adapt it to produce an XML
serialization of the file. (Note that I originally wrote this using
GETS^DIQ, but according to my benchmarks, that version was much too

        I $G(SREF)'="" D
        .S X=$P(^DD(FNUM,.01,0),"^",2)
        .S WP=$S(X="W":1,X="WL":2,1:0)
        S VAL=0
        I $G(SREF)="" D
        .S OROOT=$G(^DIC(FNUM,0,"GL"))
        E  S OROOT=SREF
        Q:OROOT="" 0
        S FLD=0
        F  S FLD=$O(^DD(FNUM,FLD)) Q:+FLD'>0  D
        .S TYPE=$P($G(^DD(FNUM,FLD,0)),"^",2)
        .S LABEL=$P($G(^DD(FNUM,FLD,0)),"^",1)
        .S STORE=$P($G(^DD(FNUM,FLD,0)),"^",4)
        .S NODE=$P(STORE,";",1)
        .Q:NODE=""  ;computed field
        .S POS=$P(STORE,";",2)
        .S GREF=OROOT_IEN_","_NODE_")"
        .I POS?1.N D
        ..S IVAL=$P($G(@GREF),"^",POS)
        .I POS=0 D
        ..S SFILE=+TYPE
        ..S SROOT=OROOT_IEN_","_NODE_","
        ..S CROOT=$E(SROOT,1,$L(SROOT)-1)_")" ;closed root
        ..S SREC=0
        ..F  S SREC=$O(@CROOT@(SREC)) Q:+SREC'>0  D
        ...;descend into subfile
        ...S VAL=$$STUFF(VAL,VAL2)
        .I POS?1"E"1.N1","1.N D
        ..;extract format
        ..S RANGE=$E(NODE,2,999)
        ..S FIRST=$P(NODE,",",1),LAST=$P(NODE,",",2)
        ..S IVAL=$E($G(@GREF),FIRST,LAST)
        I $G(IVAL)'="" S VAL=$$STUFF(VAL,IVAL_$C(13)_LABEL)
        Q VAL

--- Kevin Toppenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> One of my goals for my site has been the ability to
> get data back out of VistA in a painless manner.  For
> me this means XML. And I am rapidly nearing the point
> where I plan on finishing this project.
> I have a couple of approaches I could take, and I'd
> like input from the list
> 1. Write a custom program that dumps progress notes
> (currently the only unique data being stored in our
> VistA) in XML format.  I think I could very easily do
> this.
> 2. Writing an extension to fileman's data export
> abilities, to include an option for XML.  This would
> be the better option in the long run, but probably
> would be a good deal more difficult for me.  I would
> need to fully understand the current system to decide
> how best to integrate.  Usha recently posted about her
> difficulty using the export functions.  I don't think
> anyone responded with an answer.
> What do export templates do?  What file are they
> stored in?
> Has anyone else already done this?  Anything I should
> know before I rush off to reinvent the wheel?
> Thanks
> Kevin
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