In file 200 I file some address information, etc.  Here's the snip of the

        S DIC="^VA(200,",DIC(0)="F" D DO^DIC1
        S X=$P(L1,U)
        L +^VA(200,"AA") S DA=$O(^VA(200,"AA"),-1) D FILE^DICN L
-^VA(200,"AA") I +Y<0 W !,"Error" G ACTIVATE
        S IEN=+Y_","
        K FDA,^TMP("DIERR",$J)
        S FDA(200,IEN,1)=$P(L2,U,2)
        S FDA(200,IEN,.111)=$P(L1,U,2)
        S FDA(200,IEN,.112)=$P(L1,U,3)
        S FDA(200,IEN,.114)=$P(L1,U,4)
        S FDA(200,IEN,.115)=$P(L1,U,5)
        S FDA(200,IEN,.116)=$P(L1,U,6)
        S FDA(200,IEN,.131)=$P(L1,U,7)
        S FDA(200,IEN,.132)=$P(L1,U,8)
        S FDA(200,IEN,.151)=$P(L2,U)
        S FDA(200,IEN,201)=10217
        S FDA(200,IEN,250.01)=$P(L1,U,10)
        S FDA(200,IEN,250.02)=$P(L1,U,11)
        ; Generate a unique ACCESS CODE
        F  S XUU=$$AC^XUS4 S (X,XUH)=$$EN^XUSHSH(XUU)
        S FDA(200,IEN,2)=XUH
        D FILE^DIE("","FDA") ; File the new user's information in the New
Person file
        I $D(^TMP("DIERR",$J)) W !,"Error on file" K ^TMP("DIERR",$J) G
        S Y=+IEN I $D(^XMB(3.7,Y,0))[0 D NEW^XM ;Make sure the new user has
a Mailbox

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Greg
Sent: Tuesday, June 21, 2005 2:03 PM
Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] UPDATE^DIE

There are a few files like 2 and 200 that have so much logic built into
the DD (try looking at a standard listing) that doing bulk updates like
this is all but a lost cause. You can try tracking it down, but most
likely you'll have to build your entries incrementally, following the
logic in the Registration module, or something similar.

(Editorial aside: I don't think things have to be that way, they just

--- "Theriot, Derek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I am trying to populate the NEW PERSON file by reading a text file I
> received from an existing application.  I have written a routine that
> will
> read the file and create the FDA array.  However when it gets to the
> UPDATE^DIE call, I get the following message:
> . S [EMAIL PROTECTED]@($TR(P,"+?"))
>    ^
> I am only trying to load a few fields for now just to try to get it
> working.
> I think I have the required fields covered (NAME, SERVICE/SECTION). 
> Is
> there something I'm missing?  Does anyone have a better suggestion
> for
> accomplishing this?
> Thanks.

"The most profound technologies are those that disappear."
--Mark Weiser

Greg Woodhouse 

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