TCP/IP handling is a total non-issue with M2Web. Most applications find their 
input in
local variables (most generically htInput(name) ) and either simply write their 
to their home device or (even simpler) set it in the local variable htReturn.

M2web currently uses a CGI interface from Apache to GT.M. that is ideal for a 
developing system like VMACS and it seems to scale easily into the 100's of web 
per second on modest hardware - we haven't yet tested further because that is 
well beyond
our current needs (averaging about 100,000 per day).

I assume that you are referring to problems in an XML implementation currently 
in VistA.
Do you need help in debugging that or writing something better?

Gregory Woodhouse wrote:
>Right, and in principle, an M server could be made to speak SOAP if
>there were interesdt in doing so. An alternative would be to use a more
>conventional application server and something like VistaLink for data
>access. This may be preferable, given that M platforms aren't
>particularly well suited to handling TCP/IP, and the XML implementation
>isn't without problems, either.
>--- Todd Berman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Thu, 2005-07-21 at 15:45 -0400, Joseph Dal Molin wrote:
>> > Sounds like M2Web...but I may be uses Apache......
>> >
>> > J.
>> The difference is that our middle-ware publishes a SOAP API that can
>> be
>> used by any SOAP aware client (And basically every language out there
>> has a SOAP library of some form or another). This allows us to write
>> a
>> rich desktop client using any platform/language, or a web-app, or a
>> mobile client, or anything that can speak SOAP.
>> --Todd

Jim Self
Systems Architect, Lead Developer
VMTH Computer Services, UC Davis

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