If the new machine has GT.M and VistA in the same directories as the old
machine it's trivial: just copy the GT.M and VistA routine (source and
object) directories to the new machine.  To copy databases, use mupip
backup to get a backup copy of the database files and move those over to
the new machine.  Note: the GT.M directory must be copied by user root,
and file ownership and permissions must be preserved.

If you want to use a simple Linux copy to move the database files, you
will need to get the users out and you should perform a mupip rundown on
the files before the copy.  But this is not necessary if you use mupip
backup, which can be used while the application is in use.

If the directories on the new machine are different, simply reinstall
GT.M on the new machine from the distribution file, which should take
all of 30 seconds.

After you cocpy VistA, remember to change the identity of the VistA on
the new machine.

-- Bhaskar

On Thu, 2005-07-21 at 22:32 -0500, Pkale Robinson wrote:
> Would it be possible to transfer an entire gtm and OpenVista
> directory 
> to a fresh linux machine after you have gotten it configured? I have
> 2 
> machines,,, one to test things out. I really hope that IF and WHEN I 
> get this working,,, I won't have to do it anymore.

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