On Wed, 2005-07-27 at 15:00 -0700, Jim Self wrote:
> Todd Berman wrote:
> >As I said before, we are in the process of open-sourcing pieces of our
> >work. I have been involved in a decent amount of meetings over the last
> >couple of weeks that show real progress towards something that will be
> >beneficial to everyone.
> Can you say yet what parts will certainly be released and what parts will not 
> be or are in
> question? If there are questions regarding the server or middleware, would 
> they be eased
> by development of the RPC function on M2Web?

The current thinking is to release both the middle-ware and the client.
However, the licensing on the two would be very different. We would like
everyone to be able to take advantage of the middleware, as it does
provide a *lot* of needed functionality (and more going forward). So I
believe the current thinking is GPL on that. However, the client itself
is much more of a investment for us, and I believe currently we are
thinking about going with something like a non-commercial license with
very easy licensing terms. There are several reasons for this, which I
wont go into deeply here, but mostly it comes down to preventing a
company like SAIC to go ahead and snag what we have done. However, this
is all speculative at this point, and could change pre-initial release
and post initial release. If you have any licensing suggestions, feel
free to bring them up. We are still attempting to work through various
issues while continuing to actually get *real* work done.


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