On Fri, 2005-07-29 at 12:31 -0500, Nancy Anthracite wrote:
> There were instructions posted, but I would encourage you to wait on
> trying to  
> implement that as I have been working with this system, we are testing
> it out  
> using different machines and finding some tweaking is desireable.  As
> soon as  
> I can, I will post some instructions that will walk you through it.
> However,  
> even if you do that, it has a port specified in advance.
I'll wait!

I understand that the port is specified in advance, but unlike the "pool
of servers" approach, deploying a service under [x]inetd means that you
can have as many servers as needed by the clients that actually connect.
You advertise one port, say, 9200, as the port for CPRS GUI clients to
connect to, and [x]inetd just fires up a new process for each client.
Furthermore, the server processes simply terminate when clients
disconnect, so shutting down becomes simpler.

-- Bhaskar

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