
oh.... wait... I don't think I am supposed to cheer just yet.


On Fri, 2005-08-19 at 14:26 -0700, Fred Trotter wrote:
> Hi,
>         I remember listening in on a Hardhats con-call recently about
> using the GPL for more and more parts of VistA. Given Stallmans
> appearance on the last call I wondered if this might be an appropriate
> time to bring the issue up.
>         For me this is a central issue. The GPL provides the medical
> community with protection from software vendors that it simply cannot
> get elsewhere. I have started a site, GPLmedicine.org where I argue that
> the GPL is the only moral license for medical software. The keep-it-free
> nature of the GPL is central to forward progress in healthcare.
>         I think the relatively unclear position of Medspheres "version"
> of VistA is a pretty good example of why it is important to
> keep-it-free. I personally think the people who have been working on
> improving VistA for most of their adult lives might resent Medsphere
> hoarding its improvements to their life work. Am I wrong?
>         I am definitely a peripheral member of this community, but I am
> think this is a critical issue for everyone in Open Source software. Is
> there any consensus about this issue within the VistA community?  Please
> feel free to simply point me to a prior discussion.
> Regards,
> Fred Trotter
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