You can take a look and see like this:


Setting up programmer environment
Access Code:

Terminal Type set to: C-VT100

Select OPTION NAME: XPD MAIN       Kernel Installation & Distribution System

          Enter  "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option

 Select Kernel Installation & Distribution System Option: Utilities

          Enter  "VA to jump to VIEW ALERTS option

 Select Utilities Option: ?

          Build File Print
          Install File Print

PACKAGE: KERNEL     Oct 20, 2005 8:49 am                              PAGE 1
PATCH #             INSTALLED                     INSTALLED BY
VERSION: 8.0        OCT 19, 1995                  SMEDDLETON,ROB

   2                JAN 24, 1996                  DAHLSTRUM,DAVE
   6                JAN 24, 1996                  DAHLSTRUM,DAVE
   5                FEB 13, 1996                  SMEDDLETON,ROB
   10               JAN 24, 1996                  DAHLSTRUM,DAVE
   7                JAN 24, 1996                  DAHLSTRUM,DAVE
   8                JAN 24, 1996                  DAHLSTRUM,DAVE
   9                JAN 24, 1996                  DAHLSTRUM,DAVE
   12               JAN 24, 1996                  DAHLSTRUM,DAVE
   11               JAN 24, 1996                  DAHLSTRUM,DAVE
   17               JAN 24, 1996                  DAHLSTRUM,DAVE
   15               FEB 29, 1996                  DAHLSTRUM,DAVE
   16               FEB 29, 1996                  DAHLSTRUM,DAVE
   13               FEB 29, 1996                  DAHLSTRUM,DAVE
   18               MAR 07, 1996                  DAHLSTRUM,DAVE
   25               MAR 08, 1996                  DAHLSTRUM,DAVE
Enter RETURN to continue or '^' to exit:

On Thursday 20 October 2005 08:37 am, Mike Schrom wrote:
Is this patch integrated into the 20050825 FOIA release I just installed?

Roy Gaber wrote:
> This should help you out.
> NAME: XU*8.0*284                        PACKAGE FILE LINK: KERNEL
>   TYPE: SINGLE PACKAGE                  DATE DISTRIBUTED: SEP 22, 2004
>  Patch Tracking #: 37387952 Test Sites: FORUM, NORTHERN CALIFORNIA HCS,
> Boston
>  Healthcare System
>              CPRS v25 t12 test sites.  Blood Bank Clearance: 3/18/2004
>  This patch adds two parameters to XUP with SYS or USR values that can be
> set
>  to control XUP. The first is "XUS-XUP SET ERROR TRAP".  If set this will
> set
>  an error trap to return to XUP and ask if the error should be recorded.
> The other is "XUS-XUP VPE" for users that like to work in the VPE
> environment, setting this parameter will cause XUP, if the Select OPTION
> NAME: is skipped,
>  to branch to the VPE environment.
>  NOIS: ISL-0103-52332 This Patch adds a new API in a new routine for
>  applications to use to check and see if they are running in a PRODUCTION
>  account or a TEST account.  Integration #: 4440
>  The new API is:
>   $$PROD^XUPROD([force])
>    It returns 1 if the current account is a production account.
>    It returns 0 if it is a TEST account.
>    The parameter value of 1, allows an application to force a full test.
> Enter RETURN to continue or '^' to exit:
>  These is a new Menu item under the "Kernel Management Menu", "Ask if
>  Production Account" (XU SID ASK) this option will ask if the current
> account
>  is the Production account.  If the answer is "Yes" then the current SID is
> set
>  as the production SID so checks will return 1.  If account is not the
>  production account then a fake value is stored so that the check will
> return
>  0.  The first check each day will force a full test.
>  The option "Startup PROD check" (XU SID STARTUP) should be added to the
>  Taskman scheduling file and scheduled for startup so that when Taskman
> start
>  the SID is also checked.
>  Other required patches: For GT.M sites, XU*8*275 has the needed change to
>  New fields in the KERNEL SYSTEM PARAMETERS file (8989.3).  STANDARD DATA
> ^XTV(8989.3,
>  DATA          NAME                  GLOBAL        DATA ELEMENT       TITLE
>             LOCATION      TYPE
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
>- ---
>  8989.3,501    PRODUCTION             SID;1 SET (Required)
>                Production
>                                  '0' FOR No;
>                                  '1' FOR Yes;
> Enter RETURN to continue or '^' to exit:
>                LAST EDITED:      OCT 22, 2003
>                DESCRIPTION:      This field holds a flag to indicate if
> this is
>                                  a Production account.  It is a Yes/No flag
>  with
>                                  internal values of 1 = Yes, 0 = No.  It is
> set
>                                  by the system after comparing the System
> ID with the current System ID, at some point in
>                                  the future will be checked against a
> master system.
>  8989.3,502    System ID              SID;2 FREE TEXT
>                INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:$L(X)>100!($L(X)<8) X
>                LAST EDITED:      OCT 22, 2003
>                HELP-PROMPT:      Answer must be 8-100 characters in length
>                DESCRIPTION:      This field holds the SYSTEM ID, if this is
> a
>                                  production system.  This value is compared
>                                  with the current system value and at some
>  point
>                                  in the future will be checked against a
> master
>                                  system.
>  8989.3,503    SID LAST CHECKED       SID;3 DATE
>                INPUT TRANSFORM:  S %DT="ETX" D ^%DT S X=Y K:Y<1 X
> Enter RETURN to continue or '^' to exit:
>                LAST EDITED:      JUN 30, 2003
>                DESCRIPTION:      This field holds the date/time that the
> SID was
>                                  last checked.  If the SID has not been
>                                  compared with the stored one today a full
>                                  check will be done, otherwise the PROD api
>  will
>                                  just return the current value.
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Yamir
> Encarnacion
> Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 8:31 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Hardhats-members] TEST/PRODUCTION Account
> When I connect to Vista with "D ^XUP" I get a message
> that says:
> "This is a TEST account."
> How do I change it from a TEST account to a PRODUCTION
> account?  Also, what is the difference between a TEST
> and a PRODUCTION account?
> Thanks in advance.
> Yamir Encarnacion
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