The XQY0 variable in the error trap will tell you which option context was being executed.  A user's menu tree is copied to a temporary global, ^XTMP.  Since you rebuilt the menus, you should not have bad data in ^XTMP.  It appears that someone somewhere is executing an option.  It may be a GUI application or it may a terminal mode application.  The error indicates that a node is being Xecuted in ^XTMP.  You should have enough information in the error trap to determine that exact node.
----- Original Message -----
From: Usha
Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 2:08 AM
Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] NOLINE error while accessing CPRS

How can I find out about the options being executed while accessing CPRS? As far as the OR CPRS GUI CHART option is concerned, it does not have an ENTRY ACTION defined in the OPTION file.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 7:09 PM
Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] NOLINE error while accessing CPRS

My second guess on the LOOP+6^XQOR1 problem is that you have a OPTION being executed somehow that has an ENTRY ACTION that has a line^routine reference that is invalid.
Your mail problem most likely is that a message is trying to be sent to a remote domain that is open and should not be.

On 10/26/05, Usha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
After rebuilding all the primary and secondary menu options, the following is the output of D ^XTER
In response to the DATE prompt you can enter:
     'S' to specify text to be matched in error or routine name
6 errors logged on 10/26/2005
  6)  <READ>L3+1^XMC1A                10:44:44  EHR,EHR     2028  |TCP|2078
  5)  <NOLINE>LOOP+6^XQOR1            10:44:05  EHR,EHR     2560  //./nul:2560
  4)  <READ>L3+1^XMC1A                10:42:54  EHR,EHR     2028  |TCP|2078
  3)  <READ>L3+1^XMC1A                10:41:03  EHR,EHR     2028  |TCP|2078
  2)  <NOLINE>LOOP+6^XQOR1            10:40:35  EHR,EHR     2556  //./nul:2556
  1)  <READ>L3+1^XMC1A                10:39:14  EHR,EHR     2028  |TCP|2078

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