I had a power outage which caused my linux box to reboot.  After doing a rundown, I performed mupip integ and I'm receiving the following errors.  This is just an R&D box so I haven't been doing backups.  Is there anyway to fix this?

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> ps aux | grep mumps
vista    10227  0.0  0.0   2728   676 pts/0    S+   14:40   0:00 grep mumps
[EMAIL PROTECTED] :~> rundown
%GTM-I-MUFILRNDWNSUC, File /home/vista/FOIAVistA20051021/g/mumps.dat successfully rundown
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> mupip integ
File or Region: /home/vista/FOIAVistA20051021/g/mumps.dat

Block:Offset Level
      36:0      0  Block transaction number too large
                   Directory Path:  1:10, 14017:65
                   Path:  1402E:72, 16358:A07, 36:0
Keys from ^%ZTSCH("MON","VISTA:PLATINUM", 60187.8) to the end are suspect.
%GTM-I-DBTN, Block TN is 0x0000000001CF82F4
   14133:0      0  Block transaction number too large
                   Directory Path:  1:2A, 2:15E
                   Path:  140EC:22F, 14133:0
Keys from ^XUTL("XQO","R") to ^XUTL("XUSYS",31269,0126*) are suspect.
%GTM-I-DBTN, Block TN is 0x0000000001CF82F6
   22200:0     FF  Map block transaction number too large
   22200:0     FF  Local bit map incorrect
   223F8:0     FF  Block incorrectly marked busy
   223F9:0     FF  Block incorrectly marked busy
   223FA:0     FF  Block incorrectly marked busy
   223FB:0     FF  Block incorrectly marked busy
   223FC:0     FF  Block incorrectly marked busy
   223FD:0     FF  Block incorrectly marked busy
   223FE:0     FF  Block incorrectly marked busy
   223FF:0     FF  Block incorrectly marked busy
   22200:0     FF  Master bit map shows this map has space, agreeing with MUPIP INTEG
   22400:0     FF  Map block transaction number too large
   22400:0     FF  Local bit map incorrect
   22401:0     FF  Block incorrectly marked busy
   22402:0     FF  Block incorrectly marked busy
   22600:0     FF  Map block transaction number too large
Maximum number of incorrectly busy errors to display:  10, has been exceeded
28 incorrectly busy errors encountered

Total error count from integ:           37.

Type           Blocks         Records          % Used      Adjacent

Directory           4             358          26.544            NA
Index             962          139647          61.333             1
Data           139040        23182976          82.609        136890
Free             4994              NA              NA            NA
Total          145000        23322981              NA        136891
%GTM-E-DBTNLTCTN, Transaction numbers greater than the current transaction were found

Largest transaction number found in database was 1CF82F6
Current transaction number is                    1CF82F1
%GTM-E-INTEGERRS, Database integrity errors

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