see my inline responses below...


--- James Gray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I do not understand the value or point of this.  Both examples seem more 
> complicated than either of the two one line statements that Kevin has below. 

I guess it comes down to personal preference.  I have to agree with what Greg
said about the level of abstraction.  To me, I find it easier to say:


This way, I don't have to know in what global/piece the data is stored, what
the IEN is, etc.  When I code, I like to build the programming language up to
the application.  To me, the level of abstraction of my example is one step
higher than using the Fileman API.

> I do not understand how this is connected to Greg concept of making Fileman 
> language independent.

I took Greg's comments of making Fileman language independant to mean not
dependant on knowing the ins-and-outs of how Fileman works.  The API does a
nice job of this, but I think it could be better.  I don't think this higher
abstraction can be achieved through ANSI M programming constructs.  You could
do quite well using a functional programming style, but I think to achieve a
seperation from "programming with the knowledge of how Fileman works", to just
programming, some kind of a compiler/macro facility is needed.  

In my examples, I used a '&&' notation to indicate a macro.  In my mind, this
would translate into a macro expansion that would contain the code to return
the patient's name.  As an application level programmer, I didn't have to know
that the patient's name was in file number 200 of the ^DD global at piece
number 1, etc...That was all handled by the macro.

> Jim Gray
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Michael Zacharias" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: Monday, February 06, 2006 3:52 PM
> Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Making Fileman language independent?
> > This is something I've thought about for a long time too.  I've always 
> > thought
> > that Fileman could benefit from it's own scripting language (FSL?) 
> > Profile's
> > DataQwik has done this, and it is quite elegant.  Using Kevin's example 
> > below,
> > obtaining a patient's name can be reduced to something like:
> >
> > N Pat,Name
> > S Pat=&&CreateObject("Patient",1234)
> > S Name=Pat.Name
> >
> > Or even sql:
> > N sql,NAM
> > k rs,err
> > F  D &&SqlSelect(sql,.rs,.err) Q:$D(err)  D
> > .  S NAM=$P(rs,$C(9),1)
> > .  Q
> >
> > (note  I am sure I've screwed up the syntax as it has been a few months 
> > since
> > I've had to do this!!).
> >
> >
> > Michael
> >
> >
> >
> > --- Kevin Toppenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >> Well, the more I have used M, the more I find that it is much easier
> >> to do the low level coding than it is to use the higher level
> >> interface.  I think that says something significant--since it is
> >> usually harder to do lower-level coding   E.g. c++ is easier than c,
> >> which is easier than assembly, which is easier than machine byte code.
> >>  But
> >> set name=$piece($get(^DPT(1234,0)),"^",1)
> >> is just easier than
> >> do GETS^DIQ(200,1234_",",.01,,"TMGOUT","TMGERR")
> >> (more code here to parse TMGOUT)
> >> (Just to do this example, I had to pull out the manueal to get the
> >> parameters correct.)
> >>
> >> But how about a compromise?
> >> Set up a special category of platform-independant-code.  Programmers
> >> can $order through an index if they want, but then they will fail to
> >> qualify as  XYZ type code.  Then, there would need to be some reason
> >> that users would want to have their code be XYZ status.
> >>
> >> Kevin
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> >
> >> > >I can't
> >> > > see
> >> > > that happening.
> >> > >
> >> >
> >> > Maybe not, but one thing is sure: It never will happen if everyone just
> >> > shrugs their shoulders and says that they can't see it happening.
> >> > Defeatism is not the way to make VistA succeed.
> >> >
> >>
> >>
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> >>
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> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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