Yes, we definitely do not want to reinvent -- or even modify -- CPRS. We do,
however, need to augment its functionality to address small-office/clinic
workflow issues and provide some automated, user-friendly linkages to an
existing practice management system. We were hoping that we could use a Java
client to access some of the existing VistA RPC calls and, perhaps, do a
little (as little as possible) MUMPS coding to add a couple of our own RPCs
on the server side.

On Monday 06 March 2006 Nancy Anthracite wrote:
You do not want to reinvent the wheel if at all possible.  CPRS looks nice
simple on the surface, but it isn't.  There is a lot under the hood.

There have been many who think it would be relatively easy to replace CPRS
with something done in "X", but it is just not that simple.  Take a look at
the parameters, etc., in the technical manual to get a hint at what you
be getting into.

I spoke with someone at the VA who said that they have repeatedly been
approached by companies thinking they could do it who had no idea how tough
it would be.  When they looked at it in more depth, it sobered them up a

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