The register a new member function is sick (hopefully temporarily).
Meanwhile, those of us who had registered earlier can get in just fine. It's really a lovely wiki and spam free, almost.
User free, almost, too. :-(

I wonder... while the wisest among us attempt to make the wiki safe from spam AND, at the very same time, accessible to the good among us (We know who we are.) a suggestion...

How about we make one user id, say "Hardhater",
with access code, say "xxx". That ID can be added published here... or even on the wiki itself with relative immunity from bots. And we can all use the wiki while the registration function is getting repaired.

Kevin T made an offer to share his ID off list, and I'm sure Nancy A is similarly inclined. I'm just hoping that there may be an ID available that we can <publish>. If it fails to withstand the spam tsunami the password could be changed regularly or the ID just killed as a failed experiment.

highest regards to all.

I have always favored requiring registration, at least for those wishing to contribute. It's nice to be able to have some identification of who is contributing.

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