Absoutely! I'm looking at the feasibility of doing this. There was also a Request for Information released by the Veterans Administration for companies that could move from MUMPS to object databases, which in my book automatically implies Java based designs.

Happy to collaborate, etc... on something like this.

For now though, it looks like the best immediate results lies with effective VistA integration strategies - the ESI toolkit and a few other approaches look like viable candiates so far.

Our efforts at present are on integrating the VistA data store with the Java platform via the OMG CORBAMED specifications. It's slow progress at this point.

Richard Schilling
Cognition Group, Inc.

There was a Request Joseph Puthooran wrote:
Is any one working on rewriting CPRS in Java so it is
independent of Windows? I would like to get in touch with anyone
interested in this project or has made an estimate of the
quantum of work involved. It would be more economical if it is
done from India and we are looking at the possibility of funding
to support the project. The reason for the special interest is
that one of the multinationals here in India is also willing to
partially fund it.

Joseph Puthooran
Edgeware Technologies
New Delhi, India

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